Paras Jain

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since Feb 26, 2005
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Recent posts by Paras Jain

Hi Sebastian,

Does the book cover design patterns and architect certifications? Regarding certifications I want to know which certificate is widely accepted in the industry.
Great. Thanks for the reply. So you are recommending including pen testing as part of the process. Like after every sprint, run pen test to see if there are any issues?
8 years ago
what do you suggest in terms of continuous integration vis-a-vis penetration testing. In your experience have you seen Pen testing done nightly/weekly basis from a CI server(bamboo, Jenkins) etc?
8 years ago
Hi Gavin,

Have you used RabbitMQ along with Mule ESB? Do you know anyone using RabbitMQ connector for Mule?

Hi Jacquie,

Correct me if I am wrong. But looking at the amazon reviews it looks to me that the target audience for this book is women IT professionals who have to take a break from their career for some reasons or other professionals in general who are out of this profession for some time and have a "gap" in their IT career. Though I understand that content in the book would be worth reading by anyone (based on wonderful amazon reviews) but I am just curious to know who was the target audience when you authored this book.

15 years ago
Thanks for this promotion and the book. And thanks a lot to Dave to answer our questions. Looking forward to read your book.
15 years ago
Thanks Dave
15 years ago
I have a util class under src/groovy directory. I am not getting the automatically injected log property here. What is the best way to get that property in java or groovy classes.

I have tried Logger.getRootLogger() but it returns null. Any ideas?

15 years ago
Hi Dave,

What do you think are the most important features coming up in Grails 1.2?

15 years ago
Hi Will,

What are the advantages Pentaho have over BIRT? I know BIRT and Jasper reports are used extensively for reporting in Java community. What are the things that Pentaho can do and BIRT can't?

Thanks for the book and thanks Ramnivas for your time and efforts for giving answers to our questions.
15 years ago
Thanks Ramnivas. Yes it definitely helps.

Just to make sure my understanding is clear. Let's take example of logging aspect. I want to log before all methods starting with 'test'. (Hypothetically, not sure whether you can do based on method pattern)

Aspect - It's like calling logging framework, the Process of logging
Advice - I am advising the AOP to call log methods on logging framework, like a method

Joinpoints - are actually beginning of methods, AOP intercepts at this point to do some other stuff. i.e. beginning of methods testA(), testB(), testC(), somethingElseD(), somethingElseE()
Point cuts - Pointcut selects those joinpoints based on your aop settings, i.e. out of all the methods select testA(), testB() and testC() and intercept only those.

Is that correct?

15 years ago
On a lighter note I have one more question. Directly or indirectly I am using AOP for quite some time in my Spring app. But theoretical when it comes to distinguish between various terminologies aspect, advice, pointcut, joinpoint; I get confused.

Is there any easy way to remember it?

15 years ago
Hi Ramnivas,
How can we implement AspectJ style of programming in Grails. Do we have any plugin for that? Or we have to rely on Spring AOP for doing aspect oriented programming in Grails.

15 years ago
I want to know if we can have custom content types in Alfresco. For eg can we have a custom type with custom properties? Like pdf type or video types.

Also currently we can save new content only in either, html/plain text/xml format. Can we extend Alfresco to save file with different extension? for eg. .java
