Manju Jain

Ranch Hand
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since Feb 08, 2001
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It does prompt for power on password though it doesn't display the text. Only a cursor blinks at the appropriate place. AVG anti virus scan also works, normal booting is done.
One more thing display started giving problems right after the laptop was infected with kak virus worm.
20 years ago
Is there a chance that a security feature called Secure Sleep (screen blank)
has been activated because the screen is totally blank while booting. It doesn't even ask for a system password even though its turned on. Does anyone have any idea as to how to turn off the "secure sleep" security feature?
20 years ago
System is booting up properly but the display component isn't. The maintenance guy says the display chip is gone and the motherboard has to be replaced. But he's not able to find a replacemet in India. Will it be found in U.S.A? If yes what's the cost and is it worth it? Any ideas
20 years ago
Can sadness be considered as entertainment? I think so. We cry when we see tragic scenes on screen , certain books leaves us teary-eyed and we listen to sad songs. Old Indian movies contained many sad songs, we actually call them melodious music. Unable to sleep or plain tiredness, just listening to these songs puts one in a relaxed state of mind. Relaxation in melancholy? We don't stop reading the book even if it makes us cry. Sometimes the pain that we feel in theatre can be so intense and it lingers for quite some time. Even though we know its only a book or a film, a work of fiction, the pain and sadness felt feels so real. Is this pursuit of sadness?
21 years ago
Superb, Greg. Congratulations
21 years ago
Definitely a winner like Marilyn said.
Congrats, Carol
21 years ago
Congratulations, Marilyn. We come across lots of kids in our lives but each new baby is different and you can never get bored with them. I've number of young cousins and few baby nieces and nephews and they are great fun, all of them.
So here's wishing you the same enjoyment with your new grandchild.
21 years ago
Fantastic Barry. Congratulations
21 years ago
Congratulations, John
21 years ago
Congrats Barry. Your record of achievements is getting bigger and faster.
next what?
21 years ago
I've just started working jdbc-4 assignment using php and mysql combo.
hope it turns out to be fun redoing it.
21 years ago
Congratulations, Juliane.
21 years ago
Big congratulations to the newest bartenders.
21 years ago
There are lot of things you dont have to worry about in this assignment. Like, no need for record lock , non-unique titles is another. A lot simpler in the second case for me.
21 years ago
Fantastic , Barry. Congratulations
21 years ago