Kristian Breifossmo

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since Mar 01, 2005
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I'm not sure what to search for finding a solution to my problem so excuse me if an answer for my question exists elsewhere in this forum.

I have two urls which should do the same:


As you can see the only difference is the upper/lowercase character in "test".

How would I configure Tomcat to treat these the same?

Any help appreciated!
19 years ago
I would also check if there is a possibility that only the generated image is cached. When viewing the image, what filename (url) does the image have when appearing in the browser?

Let's say I have a servlet generating an image which always will have the name "img.jpg".

The browser sees

every time! Since there is a possibility it has cached an image with that name/size already it doesn't bother to check if it in fact is the same image.

Try making a random filename for the generated image and you should see the problem disappearing.
19 years ago
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but can't you just use:

in the servlet to get the id of the selected conference?

...and then get the data for data conference in the form using a method of the bean:

19 years ago
I might be trying to shoot in the dark here, but anyway...

Have you checked it's not a caching issue? Try turning caching off and on
on the browser, restarting the browser each time and maybe emptying the
cache. I don't know much about your system so I can't make any better guess right now.

It could also be a session issue (shoot me if I'm wrong anyone), do you have cookies enabled at work/home?
[ March 12, 2005: Message edited by: Kristian Breifossmo ]
19 years ago
I guess you can list the names as links:

And querypage.jsp would contain something like (very simplified):

If that wasn't bad code, nothing is
19 years ago
Since I didn't want to have separate .jsp files for each language I decided
to pass the change of language to the calling page itself.

Such as this:


The spider will (hopefully) treat the pages "page.jsp?language=en", "page.jsp" and "page.jsp?language=no" as different pages and thus indexing all of them.

I'm not a webspider expert so I wouldn't know for sure. I remember reading something about some spiders not indexing urls with "?" and "&"

Any comments on this approach?
19 years ago
I have decided to try to convert my personal website into a multilanguage website using a database for storing the content. I will display the content in norwegian and english and currently the selection of language is done with a session value.

The session value is set to english if it doesn't exit (default english).

When a user changes the language the appropriate content should be displayed.

The problem; Consider this scenario:

I have a jsp that handles changing language (setting session variable to preferred language), when someone clicks on "change language" that jsp is run and control is returned to the referring page (which now displays the content in a different language).

Why it could fail:
* A search engine decides to spider one of my pages.
* The session for the spider is initiated with english as the default language.
* When spidering a page, it stumbles upon a link for changing language.
* It stores that link with the other links on that page that it will spider
* When the page has been spidered, the spider continues with the other links .
* One of these links is the "change language"-link.
* The spider tries to spider the page which changes selected language.
* This page changes language and returns control to the referring page sending the spider to the referring page.
* The spider does not spider this page again, since it has already been done, causing the alternative language content not to become indexed.

Do you see the problem?

In short -> A search engine will at most index my pages using only one language per page.

Using separate .jsp files for each language is not an option.

Any ideas anyone?
19 years ago
Problem solved...

Time is sometimes the best tool...
19 years ago

I need to read some image file (or make one) and output to a .ico file,
but I don't know how to write an .ico file.

Please note: I don't need to write .ico files consisting of several images!

Are there any documentation (fileformat explanation) or examples to how I might convert an image to a .ico file?

Some sources say making a .ico = renaming a .bmp. Although I doubt that's the correct solution in most cases (?)

Is it possible to convert i.e. a .gif to a .ico with transparency?

Any help appreciated!
19 years ago