Parameswaran Thangavel

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since Mar 01, 2005
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Recent posts by Parameswaran Thangavel

I think i found the root cause of issue. But not sure about it and how to solve it.

In UNIX we are running the tomcat with security manager. And in Catalina.policy file there is no entry for rt.jar or tools.jar. I was confused why those jar files were not included.

And also if it is something to do with AccessControl or Security exception, i am not sure why i got the error NoClassDefFound error.

15 years ago
Well i followed the JAAS standard. But there is a problem though. In Tomcat, i can have different Principal class for both my Principal and Roles. But when comes to JBoss I should have different class to represent the roles for my principal.

In short, It looks like i can have or reuse the Principal class across all the server (Atleast for JBoss and Tomcat).
But when it comes to authorization, we need to have custom (Container specific class) to represent the roles.

I think this is where the Spring Acegi security comes into picture. Which promises to use the same JAAS module across all the container. SPring uses its own class called GrandedAuthority to implement roles.

I never tried on Spring Acegi security, but my above understanding is based on my theoretical knowledge.

15 years ago
In my web application i am having a java module which loads the image from the local drive when users demand to view the image.

It works fine in my windows machine.
But when i deploy the app in my web server hosted in Tomcat, i am getting exception.

I am getting NoClassDefFoundError when my java program refer to the class. javax/imageio/ImageIO

Environment Setup:
Windows: Tomcat 5.5 27, JRE 1.5_17
UNIX: Tomcat 5.5 27, JRE 1.5_14.

The only difference is the UNIX server JRE is backlogged by three minor version. I don't think it is an issue.

And also i can't imagine the jar file (Having the class javax/imageio/ImageIO) is not in CLASSPATH. Because its the rt.jar which is the root jar file which has all the other basic class.

I am not sure what the issue is.

Any pointer or help will be greatly appreciated.

15 years ago
I was looking to write a Custom and Generic JAAS based login module. which will be used for both authentication and authorization. And use it across all the application server.

I wrote a Custom LoginModule for Tomcat.

Can i use the same class for Weblogic also.

I found that i have to implement my own weblogic group class for my JAAS login module...

15 years ago
I was looking to write a Custom and Generic JAAS based login module. which will be used for both authentication and authorization. And use it across all the application server.

I wrote a Custom LoginModule for Tomcat. Can i use the same class across all the Application server like JBoss, Weblogic and websphere.

15 years ago
Just for development. And thanks for the information.
16 years ago
Is anyone tried creating the custom class loader for JBoss.

I was thinking if i able to load all the class through custom class loader i can load the newly compiled file or compile the java file that got modified and load it using the custom class loader.

Although i am not quite comfortable with class loader, i just want to give it a try.
16 years ago
We use Ant to move the files to the deploy directory and use touch task to re-start the server, to pick the new files.

But i would liked to know is there anyway we can make the app to pick the new class file without re-starting (through touch task) the application.

The main purpose of why i am looking forward is, restarting the app takes 8 mins.
Since we have lot of EJB's it takes some time to undeploy and re-deploy the EJB's.
And also EJB's are not changed frequently. But we work at the web layer (servlet or Action class). So i would want to know is there any way we can load the latest class file without re-starting the server.
16 years ago

I would liked to know is it possible to achieve dynamic reloading of class files without re-starting the server.

I believe hot deployment is the ability to deploy the application (new or existing) while the server is running. But i
would liked to load the changes to the class files without restarting the server.

We use a whole lot of EJB's in our application, which makes the restarting process around 8 min.

So i would liked to know is it possible to load the class files dynamically without re-starting the server.

16 years ago
Thanks for your reply.

As i mentioned the client jar files are generated using the ANT task clientgen.
The clientgen task version is for weblogic 10

<taskdef name="clientgen"
classname="" />

In that case i am not sure why clientgen referring to the XmlException which weblogic 10 is no more supporting? or Am i using wrong ClientGenTask.

If my above question doesn't make sense please let me know.

16 years ago
We are using weblogic 10 for our application. And we generated the web service client jars using clientgen task.

When i tried to invoke the webservice using the generated jar i got the below exception.

The error seems to be simple, the class "com.bea.xml.XmlException" is not in CLASSPATH. But the problem is i donno which jar file has the above mentioned class.

When i searched the net, i found couple of sites mentioning about xbean.jar having the above specified class. But weblogic 10 doesn't have one.

Does anybody came across similar situation. Where can i find the xbean.jar file.

16 years ago
I generated a client-jar files from a WSDL using clientgen ANT task.

To test the web service, I created a simple java file and tried to invoke the the web service using the generated jar file.

But when i execute my standalone java file i got the below exception

I have following jar in my java build path

Any help would be greatly appreciated....
16 years ago
It did works when i refer to weblogic8.

16 years ago
In our application we are referring to a webservice.

I have a WSDL and i need to generate the client stub.
we are using weblogic 10 and Tomcat as our application / web server.

I am using weblogic 10 Ant task "clientgen" to generate the client stubs.

Client stubs / jar files are generated with out any issues.
But all the generated class files are java 1.5 compatible (version 49).

But when we are building war / ear file we are compiling our application code (which uses above mentioned
client stubs) in java 1.4.

Since our tomcat is running in java 1.4 we need to compile our application in java 1.4.

When i am compiling i am getting the below error..

[javac] class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0

I am not sure why i am getting this error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated....
16 years ago
I created a dynamic client to access the webservice from the weblogic environment.

The issue is i am getting error in the last line of above code.


But the above code works fine with apache axis, if i modify the line setting SERVICEFACTORY_PROPERTY as

my sysout in the above code prints the following

//For Apache Axis
Port Class = net.insbridge.wsi.Connector.SoftRater.SoftRaterSoapStub@1a082e2

//For weblogic
Port Class = weblogic.webservice.core.rpc.StubImpl@1eb2c1b

I think problem is in the type of object reurned by the getPort method when i use weblogic
service factory.

It is not returning the right object, it should return the SoftRaterSoap service stub instead of weblogic core stub.

I used ANT task, "clientgen" to generate the stub jar file. And it has the SoftRaterSoapStub.

I am not sure where i am doing wrong.

We don't want to include / put Axis jar into weblogic.

It would be great if someone can help me to figure out the issue.

16 years ago