ken chou

Ranch Hand
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since Feb 08, 2001
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Recent posts by ken chou

How long did it take you to write this book? Could you tell us your background?
22 years ago

What is finder method?

23 years ago

Do I have to restart Tomcat every time I recompile a bean?
23 years ago

What's the difference betweeen application servers and web servers?
23 years ago
Hi, Jyotsna
It doesn't work when I click on the link that you provided?
23 years ago

I feel that by using "jsp + bean" can accomplish almost everything already. Can anyone give me some good reasons for using Servlet?
23 years ago

On your jsp page, you need to declare the varable "name" like the following:
<%! String name = null; %>
23 years ago

I believe you can include some other jsp pages(not only html pages) to your jsp pages.
23 years ago

By using Servlet, you can simplify HTML generation by creating a HTML class. Go to:
download the "Chapter 2 source code", you will see a very good example.
23 years ago

That's ok. You just need to create a new account that follows the rules if you would like to be a real member here.
23 years ago
What is the maximum available sessions for a given servlet engine? If we are running a very popular website like Yahoo, how many people can access at the same time? What would be the limitation?
23 years ago
Take a look at
JavaRanch's naming policy
. Your name at least should be 2 separate names with more than 1 letter each.
[This message has been edited by ken chou (edited July 18, 2001).]
23 years ago