shahin Khan

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since Mar 04, 2005
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I want to know how to implement ajax in portlet and i have come to know about the Asynchronous client loader builder in webshpere portlet factory.

can someone tell me how to use this(step by step process) or some other way to implement Ajax in portlet

18 years ago
Hi Friends

When i try to deploy the ear file i am encountering this error can any one help me out in this regard.

Here's the log generated
ADMA0086E: Error from EJBDeploy: ejbModule/com/sfr/star/ejb/ Class must implement the inherited abstract method [severity 2]
[5/16/06 18:28:30:621 IST] 4e9d0da3 SystemOut O [EJBDeploy] ejbModule/com/sfr/star/ejb/ Class must implement the inherited abstract method [Severity 2]

18 years ago
What is this means?
it cannot find the message-resources "StorefrontMessageResources".
Are you using two property files one is StorefrontMessageResources anad the other one as bankingresources if so the u have to distinguish the files with a unique key , which u can do it in struts-config like this

<message-resources key="ONE" parameter="FILENAME"/>
<message-resources key="TWO" parameter="FILENAME"/>

and in your jsp's u can use it as follows

<bean:message bundle = "ONE" key="" />

I don't know to what extent it might help u
18 years ago
I think u have not used the getter and setter methods for the hidden property page i have found this as missing in ur formbean add and try once again and let me know
even i am beginner in struts
18 years ago
Add servlet api.jar file in ur web-inf/lib folder and then try to execute
Hope it will work out.
18 years ago
You can pass it in the similar manner as you pass in jsp.Are you facing any problems with this if so plz let me know
19 years ago

I want to show values in the text box for editing purpose. I'm able to get & show the value using <bean:write> tag. But i can't assign the value to text box. If i use like below code it's showing the full <bean:write> tag as String. <html:text property="userName" value='<bean:write name= "user" property="userName"/>'/>
pls help me regarding this.

19 years ago
Either from java or from html there will be problem with single qoutes when the string contains it
I have resolved it by giving \\\" in place of ' and it works fine for me
19 years ago
My string contains some html links like
"safdsf <a class=\"styleClass\" href = \"javascript:somemethod(HERE I HAVE NEED SINGLE QOUTE)\"";

if i include single quote thewe i won't get the value in the script if not i get the value easily
but to process further i need single qoute there Can any one help how to reslove this problem
19 years ago

I want to access jsp variable in javascript i have using hidden variabel but its not working can any one help me in this regard
19 years ago
Hi all
I want to use a jsp variable in javascript can anyone help me in this regard
19 years ago
I want to delete few records from a table whose id's will be passed at run time i want this operation to be done at once
can i have a method to do so
delete from tablename where id /in = HERE I HAVE TO PASS , SEPARATED MULTIPLE VALUES using jdbc

Hi Bill,
My application gets n no of excel sheets as input which should be converted into single pdf.these are the steps i am following for the conversion
1.To generate the xml files for each excel document i am using POI (HSSF).
2.To generate the xsl files for each XML document i am using SAX.
3.To generate PDF i am using FOP and giving input as a pair of xml and xsl,but the generated PDF contents are overwritten by final pair of xml and xsl.

All the XML and XSL files are generated at run time and for these a single pdf has to be generated,
I have to do this using FOP api only.

My Excel sheet contains images also how to put these images into the PDF document.Can u plz help me
I hope now u have understood the problem and will help me in this regard

Hi All
My application need is to convert multiple XML files into a single PDF document.I have generated separate XSL files for each xml respectively.
I able to generate a PDF file for a single XML file when i try to generate a PDF file for multiple XML files then the PDF gets overwritten by the last XML document.Can any one help me in this regards

Actually client has requested to develop the project with version 5 but my company got the licence for 6 will there be any problem when we develop in 6 and deploy the same on v5 onsite.

19 years ago