Sri Anand

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since Mar 06, 2005
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I am getting following exception when trying to work with struts validation frame work.

Dyna 'page' property must not be null. Either provide an initial value or set 'convertNull' to false.
java.lang.NullPointerException: Dyna 'page' property must not be null. Either provide an initial value or set 'convertNull' to false.

I tried settign convertNull false through web.xml but doesn't seem to solve issue

In Web.xml

In Validation.xml

in Struts Congfig


I am working with struts 1.2.9 and use validation framework. I have wizards so want to use the page attribute for validation. I have defined this in dynaValidator form and trying to set this from number to page from jsp page

15 years ago
I put struts tokens on all pages where i add or edit the record; on each page action( for both previous and next) i have save token and checking for the token in the next action; if session were cloned and user is trying to work on multiple sessions or user used CNTRL +N tokens don't match user is sent to error page.
looks good with IE8,IE6,IE7.
15 years ago
You mean if i use request scope even then i will come across this problem ? Will struts tokens be of any use here
15 years ago

Sri Anand wrote:What we are using is exactly this !!

The actual problem is : user is opening 2 browser instances ,opening a old and new applications; when he is filling in the new application form, session of old applicaition is overriding the new applicaiton instance and modifying the wrong records

. infact when multiple browsers are opened like this session of last one is taking prcedence over others !!!

15 years ago
What we are using is exactly this !!

The actual problem is user is opening 2 browser instances; when he is filling in the applicaiton form and session of one instance is getting into other this rewriting some wrong records
15 years ago
the application i am currently working on sessions are getting corrupted, when users opens multiple browsers to copy past data, the problem getting worst due to forms being in session scope are rewriting the wrong records.

We are using struts1.1 will struts token resolve this issue ? what are other ways to solve the problem
15 years ago
I have a requirement to connect to MS from Java Application hosted on Unix environment; I need to be able to read write to Access; what are the options available and our business is not preferring flat files and Data management group would'nt offer odbc links to production environments :-)

drink more more water, You will lose 5% of weight over a period of year and its very healty

real Heavy breakfast and smaller lunch

evening snack to to avoid overeating at night

eat early in evinings; have a 2 -3 hour time after Dinner before you go to sleep

play any intense physical activity sport atleast once a week

try gym or swiming atleast on one work day

If you try to do too hard anything than normal. there is high chance that you will discontinue.
15 years ago
Do best java programing
15 years ago
May be after another year; when the man hunt for tech job begins again. even with basic skill set you can come over to US.
15 years ago
Having good work enviroment is important; also consider the duration of the Job and company's reputation in firing up employees in this bad market.
15 years ago
Humm.. you are getting too much suspicious; They conducted interview and HR gave offer letter, why do you think they are going to play with you .If you like the offer, grab it and enjoy
15 years ago
how common it is for people working in Software industry to get neck and back issues.
what should one do to avoid these
15 years ago
I am looking at building and expression builder , the expressions built through this will be used to evaluate conditions that decide the work flow.
Workflow has parameters like width, height etc., vehicle type etc some of which will be strings and some of then int type. Expressions can be a combination of these parameters and logical operators And,or,less than,greater than etc.,
any ideas for desing are there any existing stuff that would help ?
15 years ago