Jordie Taitt

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since Mar 07, 2005
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What is the best way to encrypt a regular text file that just sits on your desktop? I need to use assymetric encryption. The file will be decrypted at a remote site. I don't need to worry about encryption over the net, only at rest, because if it's already encrypted, then I don't care if someone is eavesdropping when it is in transit.

I assume I need to use JCE, is this right? I'm a newbie at this, please advise .
19 years ago
I created an application that saves form data to XML. Now I am told that I will have to incorporate digital signatures into the resultant xml file as well, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Everything seems so abstract on the W3C website about the XML Signature specification.

Basically, I think I will have to ask the user a series of 7 'security' questions, and their answers will serve as the digital signature. Once I get the answers, I'm not sure what to do with it. I can't just put it into the xml file as plain text right? How do I make it fit the XML signature spec?

So can anyone point out to me exactly how to construct a digital signature and store it in an xml file?

I can't use any web services or anything like that either, as the application must not be connected to the internet.
Sort of like in Visio with its stencils, I want to have left column components that expand when pressed. So when not pressed, it looks like a standard row in a table of contents or something. But when pressed, the sub-elements are displayed. I guess what I want is similar to an expandable tree node, but without the look and feel of a tree node. Any advice?
19 years ago