Jesper de Jong wrote:WebSphere is IBM's Java EE application server implementation. Yes, there are many people, and many companies, who use this.
However, WebSphere is not one of the "leading edge" Java EE application servers. It's always at least one version of the Java EE standard behind other app servers. If I'd want to learn Java EE, I'd start with Glassfish, which is Oracle's open source reference implementation for Java EE. It implements the latest standard and works really well. When you use the NetBeans IDE, you can get Glassfish with it set up and ready to go.
Originally posted by Sagar Rohankar:
When we read the column, the pointer advance to the next column and if there are no more rows to read for that column , exception is thrown !
Originally posted by Steve Luke:
When you iterate over a map you are iterating over the entry set, not the map directly. This means that each value returned by the outer loop is a MapEntry, not an ArrayList. The MapEntry would have a method getValue() which would return the ArrayList to use for the inner loop. Example:
Originally posted by seetharaman venkatasamy:
change your name from param to param1 or something else..because param is one of the implicit object in EL...more over for:Each items should be collection or array
Hope THis Helps
Originally posted by Ilja Preuss:
Take a look at
Originally posted by Jeanne Boyarsky:
It sounds like you want to a replace on properties. Where do the new values come from? Another file, hard coded, etc?
The answer to this question would determine the approach so you'll get a more useful reply after elaborating.