bis ani

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since Mar 09, 2005
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Recent posts by bis ani

The link you have provided is broken. Can you please update it?
I purchased the latest edition of Allen and Barbara. I am very disappointed to see that the EJB section is not updated for EJB 3. Even the practice exams has EJB 2 questions. The book is useful to study desgin patterns. I had managed to barely pass SCEA 4 with this book alone, but the exam has changed a lot now. You would need to look at various additional materials now and the above posts should help.

Congragulations on the nice score and thanks for the tip. I was not aware that we could download part 2 even before part 1. That's great news.

Hi Neelam,

PearsonVue ( is conducting Oracle exams. You need to register and the exams can be scheduled online. It is very easy now. In the main page, under ORACLE select 'My Account' which will allow you to create an account. 'Schedule a Test' will allow you to select, schedule and purchase online. You can also reschedule online. Try it out, hardly take 10-15 minutes.


I want to migrate one of our projects to weblogic 10. Currently it is deployed in Weblogic 8 and uses Java 1.4 version.

Let me know, if somebody is familiar with the steps to follow. Also appreciate if you can point some materials for the same.

16 years ago
The article is available at the following likn:
Job From tata.

You have to download to read.
17 years ago
You can also look for companies which take freshers as intern/trainee. And if you stand out during that 3 months period, definitely, they will absorb you, and may even help with your higher studies.
17 years ago
You are having close to 2 yrs experience, so transition to a product development environment will not be difficult. Rather I feel, this could be a right time. R&D will definitely makes you sleepless, as you cant just google for the solution
In the long run, the domain knowledge is what matters more than technical strength. Product development companies are generally good pay masters too. You can do an R&D on the major product development companies and decide. Also you should try to analyse what type of product developments interest you - developing tools like IDE for java or products for use in banking, finance, healthcare etc. In the latter area, you may not develop very strong technical skills but the overall process and other soft skills will be developed a lot. You should have a more quality oriented focus along with a taste for documentation as these are very improtant in a product development environment, especially if the product is used for no-fail conditions.
17 years ago
Even if the certifications are theory based, still it is a good idea to go for them , as slowly you will start applying what you have learned. And that will definitely improve your coding skills. so , go for higher certifications like scwcd, scbcd, uml certification etc. that will definitely help you to improve your bandwidth. Also I feel, that is the best way to start. Writing a lot of code helps a lot , but if done with out a proper goal, can result in losing the enthusiasm, after 2-3 days.
17 years ago
Selecting a product/services company also depends on your experience.If you have worked only with services, say for more than 4 years, it will be difficult to get adjusted to the environment of a product company, as the structure and the functioning is totally different from services. In product development, you should have an attitude towards R&D. Some times , the domain and knowledge gathering related to that makes technology(say Java) take a back step.
17 years ago
I woule like to add

Toyota for cars
18 years ago

If you are interested in using third party components, try Extreme Components.

It gives more than just pagination and it is easily configurable.

18 years ago

When I click the link given, it says the page cannot be displayed.

when I check the URL it has a trailing dot whcih needs to be removed,
then the correct URL will be

18 years ago

I would like to participate in the survey..

here are the details.

Age: 32
Years in the field: 5 years with Java and going on.
Times taken: Only part I. managed to pass with 3 days preparation.
Job Title: Senior Design Engineer


I went through CAPGEMINI interview and it went fine. I would like to know how is the company? Personally I didnt like the interview as it was less of technical and more general. I have 4+ yrs of exp in Java, J2ee.
They did not offer a great hike, also.
I would like to know how is their work culture, pressure, atmosphere etc...

My friends are very much exceited though I am confused.

Anyway i had good tea from there.

18 years ago