Charles Talbott

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since Feb 09, 2001
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Recent posts by Charles Talbott

The simplest way is to choose an appropriate layout manager. However, it is possible to control it (the way you would with MFC for example) according to 'The Complete Java2 Certification Study Guide'. Good luck!
Charles Talbott
Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer
23 years ago
It would be great to win a book...
23 years ago
I have a servlet which calls an application to retrieve pages, connect to other entities, etc. I am trying to add SSL functionality so that I can optionally open a secure connection from the app to wherever.
When I add the code to choose which protocol I want to use, suddenly the servlet and app stop working. Somehow, it appears that System and Security methods are causing the failure, but they are in a method that shouldn't even be called except in special circumstances. Has anyone encountered anything like this?

Any insight is greatly appreciated!
23 years ago
I've discovered that the issue is system related. In Unix, an application process is allowed a finite number of file handles.
ulimit -n will display this number.
The default is 256 the max I believe is 1024. As the number of threads/requests was increasing, I began to exceed this number, hence the 'too many open files' errors. I suspect there is also a limit for the jre, and I am trying to track this down.
23 years ago
The initial problem with the server turned out to be an unrelated issue and is now operating fine.
I discovered that the requests to the servlet are being handled fine. The servlet is sending requests fine. I am pretty sure the problem is in my app. The exception occurs when I try to capture the responses in my app via connection.geInputStream() (where connection is an HttpURLConnection object internal to the run() method). I don't think I am leaving files open. Again, any help is much appreciated.
23 years ago
I am trying make multiple requests to a servlet from an app which creates a number of threads. The threads make multiple requests to the servlet. When I use a low number of threads, everything 'appears' to work fine. When the thread count increases, I start getting 'SocketException: Too many files open' errors and then the Weblogic server crashes. Does anyone know what might cause this type of error and what exactly this type of error is? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
23 years ago
Great score! Congratulations and good luck in your future Java endeavours!
Charles Talbott
Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer
23 years ago
Congratulations and good luck in your future Java endeavours!
Charles Talbott
Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer
23 years ago
Congratulations David!
23 years ago
My advice would be to take as many of the mock exams listed at Maha Anna's page as possible. If you do well on those, you stand a good chance of passing Sun's exam.
Good luck!
23 years ago
Thank you for your congratulations and Congratulations Judy!
I know we all value our certifications for many reasons (time, effort, and money spent, etc). I especially value mine because my background is largely in COBOL, and hopefully certification will put me one step closer to making the transition to the world of OO programming.
[This message has been edited by Charles Talbott (edited February 12, 2001).]
23 years ago
All, while I have only tacitly participated in the discussion forums until now, I would like thank you for your thought-provoking discussions. They, and this entire site, are invaluable.
I had no prior Java work experience before attempting the exam, only a Java programming class about 8 months ago.
I prepared by studying intensely for 5 weeks using the following methodology:

  • Read and took notes(hand-written unfortunately) from RHE
  • Went through objective by objective and coded programs to test each principle
  • Took a few mock exams
  • Went back to coding to verify I understood questions that I missed.
  • Followed the Certification Study forum. Very helpful as it demands that you start thinking outside the box - i.e. makes you start posing 'what if I do this?' questions, that weren't addressed by the more straight-forward questions of RHE
  • More coding and mock exams to nail down the language behaviour in more obscure cases

  • While my score was not terrible, I felt I could have done better. I didn't concentrate on threads as much as I should have. I wasn't expecting them to be tested as heavily as they were on the exam.
    My only recommendations for taking the exam that I haven't seen readily mentioned by other postings are these:

    • Use as much of the two hours as you need. Take your time and be thorough.
    • Stay alert and examine the code samples carefully. I caught myself on one or two questions thinking "Okay. This question is testing this concept..." Upon revisiting the code, I realized the question appeared to be testing one concept, but was actually testing another concept.

    • [This message has been edited by Charles Talbott (edited February 15, 2001).]
23 years ago