Martin Ryzl

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since Mar 10, 2005
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Recent posts by Martin Ryzl

If you are using NB 5.0 it is possible to include additional code - IDE leaves space within guarded blocks - basically it is possible to invoke specific code before and after initialization of components, command transitions, etc.
18 years ago
There is no limitation. It is quite difficult to say what might be wrong without more details .If you think it may be a bug I'd suggest to report it here:
19 years ago
#include is not supported in NetBeans. I know that many people actually use it however it would break debugging. If a fragment of code is included during build process, line numbers in editor don't match information received from the virtual machine.
19 years ago
Do you use NetBeans J2ME project and import Polish example or do you use free-form project with existing Polish ant file?
19 years ago
You can start WMA console from Tools | Java Platform | <Choose J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2> | Tools & Extensions | Open Utilities. Note that not all SDKs support this.
19 years ago

Originally posted by pallavi utukuri:
I installed netbeans 4.0 along with netbeans mobility pack but the midlet is not able to detect import javax.microedition.location ��what should I do for netbeans to detect location class

J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 which is bundled as a default emulator with NetBeans 4.0 Mobility Pack doesn't implement such package. Is there any other emulator that supports it?
19 years ago