I've been fiddling with this all off and on all day (again.)
This time, from windows, I did a CVS checkout into my workspace.
Then I created a new J2EE Application Application Project attempting to use the same name as I checked out. This failed because the directory already existed. So I renamed the stuff I checked out, made the Project and associated ProjectEAR projects, and swapped my checked-out code into the place where I think it should be.
After getting the JVM right (1.4.2) and the libraries set up, everything compiled.
However, now I am getting "CHKJ1004E: The URI, Blah.war, does not match anything in the EAR file.application.xmlBlahEAR/META-INFline 3" errors and
"CHKJ1000E: Validation failed because the application client file is not valid. Ensure that the deployment descriptor is valid.Blah"
errors. Everything looks good but you know how that is.
I'll jack around with this and get it to work. Until the next time I want a clean deploy. Then I'll be going through this again.
How do you all do this?