Vinit Patil

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Long time, did not got chance to post on this wonderful forum! sorry to reopen very old thread, but had few replies done by me on this. I did few stupid replies without understanding the posts, sorry to create confusion!
Going back to the point Manish has raised, the salary growth I had expected is around 8%yr (remember 2yr 6L, 6yr 8L). I agree that I slightly underestimated the growth, I would consider 10% seems reasonable. In these last four years, my salary has grown at 10% per yr and I am happy with my current salary. Now, I am seeing many candidates around me who have jumped companies with big salary hikes, recently had salary corrections. Note that 100% increase is equals 50% reduction. How you expect 400% hike in 4 years? Something is wrong in the process, either the entry level salaries needs to go up or experience level salaries needs to go down.
I would revise my understanding as below(which is still not happening):
0Yrs - 4L
2Yrs - 5L
6Yrs - 8L

If you look at various developed counties and various old industries like automobiles, finance etc have salary structure resembling to what I have stated above. I think the career is spanned over decades, one time wonders of salary increments will be limited to very few in future and sooner or later the gap will be reduced. If you are working on same kind of work on same technology stack, should not have 400% hike in 4 years. Exceptions will be there for few bright people, but no need to expect exponential growth for others trying to relate no of years and salary (I think am one of them!)
Looking forward to read your thoughts on this.


15 years ago

Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
AFAIK, this is a compny started by few Ex-Veritas people - the work, pay & culture all are supposed to be good though it's a small company.

- Manish

I think, you are referring in-reality software, which was started by Ex-Veritas people and acquired by Symphony. As far as I know, Triple Point is US based company and no one seems to be from Veritas.

18 years ago

Originally posted by smitha rajgopal:
I am java developer with work experience of 1.7 years and i won't to move for some better companies,but i dont' have any references.I have applied in all job sites but all in vain.Any help plzz to get better job.
I am (Information System) graduate with 63% in distance program.


why you don't have any reference?
18 years ago
In my opinian

Originally posted by Sameer Jamal:
I've a few questions.

Is this trend benificial for us (not individuals) ?


Does the increasing salaries of software professionals will effect the cost of living(education, rent etc) as a whole ?


Should Indians be less demanding to keep it the number one outsourcing destination of the world or we should take advantage of what is going on right now and enjoy the feast.

If Indians don't compromise on Quality, they should keep demanding more.

Does any of you will settle down for 6LPA if you were offered 15LPA?

may be no one.

Does the old economy sector employees will ever be able to touch such salaries ?

There will be impact of IT on other sectors. But in long run, they will get.

Who is our competitor in the global market interms of providing cheaper and same quality service ?

No one. China has a long way to come.

19 years ago
I think, the salary differences for various level in IT industry will get minimized in near future in India. The second point, there is huge difference in salaries between IT industry and other industry, which is not good for country. I support salary increase in other industries should happen in same scale as that of IT industry in India. So that everyone gets huge salaries and everyone must have to spend lot of money also because of same PPP as today we have. Increase in salaries is very good sign of growing economy. Imagine that, everyone in India from all industries drawing same salary that of US counterpart, doesn't it will mean that India will be a developed country!
Whether Indians have same capability for Quality, Innovation, Commitment as that of there counterparts in US/UK etc is debatable issue and in coming years, we can see the results.

19 years ago

Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
Do you know or realize, by any chance, what you are saying?

- Manish

Hello Manish,
I really didn't understood what you want to say.
do you have any objection on my comments or do you have any disagreement on my comments?
If any of my comments hurt your feelings, I am really sorry and please let me know which comment hurt your feelings. I will make sure that it will not happen again.

If you have any disagreement on my comments, then also, please let me know.
Please clarify.
19 years ago
Actually, we often suffer from selective myopia. We only support *our* types -- things that we can relte to at any given time.

Hmmm, I can find the 'selective myopia' looking into other replies. We only support *our* types -- things that we can relte to at any given time.

It helps to have broader perspective and to see things from other angles. It would be interesting to see if the same person has these views about salaries (why should there be large difference...) when he reaches 6 years of experience.

- Manish

I am totaly agree with you. People will always expect best if there is a room to grow.

19 years ago
Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
There are salay experience brackets in India, and this is how they work --

0-2 years -> Junior Programmer
2-4 years -> Software Engineer, Sr. S/W Enginner, Developer etc.
4-6 Years -> Sr. Software Engineer, Module Lead, Sr Developer etc.
6+ years -> Team Lead, Project Lead, pm etc.

Different brackets have differnt salaries, and designations.

true, all countries have.

Though, 2-4 years has always been a sweet spot.

If 2 years programmer is gettting 6 LPA and another guy is getting 8 LPA for 6 years experience in the same company, the guy with 6 years experience is most likely to quit. As any headhunter wil tell you, expereinced guys are hard to find. And companies will try to retain them. If a compay is paying 6 LPA for 2 years experience they *must* pay close to 12 LPA or more for 6 years expereince to keep him. Often, it is not about the salary figure, but perceived competence & perceived stature of your job profile -- and if you're drawing less, you are seen with a question mark.

Yes, this is happening currently in India. There is a huge difference in salaries and companies are also responsible for it. Taking above example, if no company offers difference of more than 20%-30% for people having 1-10 yrs exp, then this problem will never arise as what happens in US/Europe/Australia. In India, we have salary diff up to 1000% or even more for 1-10 yrs exp professionals. Have you ever find such difference elsewhere? e.g. its 60K-80K for 2 yrs exp and 70K-90K for 6yrs exp in US. So the difference is around 20%-30%. What a comparison! This is not good for Indian IT industry - both people and companies are responsible.
But I am sure, in coming years, difference will be minimized.

Whether productivity actually gets multiplied with more years etc. are debatable issues; and best saved for another thread. Likewise, one can also ask what makes s/w professionals feel that they deserve such a high salary when one of my friends is getting 8000 INR/month as a fresh Mech Engineer with exceptional intelligence (his project has won some awards) and academics. His sal will raise to 12k/month from April -- and he's happy with it.

That's why, we should have more matured salary levels so professionals like your friend will get deserved salary.

It's only software which is paying soooo high in India (I am not counting myself out. I am very much part of it, but I admit that I am overpaid) , and if greed continues I doubt how long wil it be possible to sustain these level of salaries.

- Manish

Exactly. And I am sticking to my original point.
[ February 08, 2006: Message edited by: Vinit Patil ]
19 years ago

Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
I am quite shaken by salary figures of people with around 2-4 years experience. Just wondering if I am frog-in-the-well and just missing all the fun happenig around!! How much a person with 6+ years experince is being paid in (1)Pune, (2)Banglore and other places? I though it was around 8-12 LPA but now I am not so sure!!

- Manish

Why we are expecting huge difference in salary for 2 yrs experienced and 6 yrs or more years experienced? If we look outside India, e.g. US/Europe, you will not find much difference in salary for 2 yrs exp and 6+ years experienced professional. What I think, 6+ yrs exp should not get more than 20%-30% that of 2 years exp. If 2 yrs exp person is getting 6 LPA then 6+ should not get more than 8+ LPA. 8-12 LPA is too high for 6+ yrs exp. In this case, 2 yrs exp should get 8-10 LPA.

19 years ago

Originally posted by ab parashar:

But in IT you will have nothing to do with any of the high funda stuff like Investment banking and your profile will not be like that of an investment banker.You will be doing same coding as in Infy/TCS......ofcourse the brand name is there but what you do is more important that where you do it, but then thats just my opinion.

There is no use of IT if we don't attach any Domain to it. IT skill is secondary in companies who work in complex business such as Investment Banking. IT skills can be acquired within months but understanding complex domain can take years.
19 years ago

Originally posted by minu su:

19 years ago

Originally posted by Lavjeet Khanuja:
Many times u would be doing nothing and many times u will be working for 12-14 hrs like donkey .

donkey works for 12-14 hrs a day? may be not.
19 years ago
If I understood correctly, AJAX uses lot of JavaScript. Doesn't it add lot of complexity to simple plain HTML? Does AJAX code is maintainable? What if JavaScript is disabled in browser?

Originally posted by KJ Reddy:

If you get 100% score that is good. But I guess you wont show your score in your resume, and none of interviewers asks you how much you scored in SCJP.

I think, most of the interviewers asks you how much you scored, if you specified SCJP in your resume. It is good idea to avoid putting SCJP in resume, if you have less score, say 60%. But if you have 80+%, it gives good impression, so put the score in resume.

19 years ago