David Brafford

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Recent posts by David Brafford

You do not have to worry if you are preparing for
the 1.4 level exam.

They keep the older ( N - 1 ) version active
for situations like yours.

However, when the J2SE 5 version comes out, I'd
expect to see the 1.2 level exam disappear in 60 - 90
days, that is how it has worked in the past when new
versions were introduced.

Once J2SE 5 is out, there will be J2SE 5 and
the 1.4 level offering - the 1.2 version will
be retired ( that is how it was worked in
the past ).


David Brafford
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- Dave
Considering the Certified Java Programmer Exam?
Get JCertify 7.0!
New integration with Beanshell
Integrated context sensitive explanations and content from
Eckel, Baldwin, and Green
Try JCertify - Version 7 was recently released. Now intergrated with
Beanshell - it has integrated context sensitive explanations / content from
Professor Richard Baldwin, Roedy Green, Bruce Eckel, and Marcus Green.
There is no partial credit for multiple choice answers -
having more than one answer ( selecting 2 out of 3 correct
answers ) does not earn credit.
As far as close to the real environment, you may be interested
in taking a look at JCertify Version 7. Version 7 was recently
released, and is now integrated with BeanShell - an interactive
Java language environment.
A reasonable expectation would be some of both.
The question styles will also vary - from short
and sweet, to a more scenario driven question.
Dave Brafford
Considering the Certified Java Programmer Exam?
Get JCertify!
For exams 310-025 and 310-035
In the past, Kathy has stated that if these
( reserved words ) were seen in a keyword
question, to answer it as a keyword. She also
stated / hinted that you would not see that in
a keyword question. For the 1.2 based exam, I'd
say that is still good advice.
The words in the 1.4 objectives that Jessica
sites are directed at exactly this situation.
The intent of the exam is not to have tricky
questions ( find the 3 reserved words out of
the list of keywords/non keywords ). Although
some questions can be tricky, the intent or
purpose of the question is not to be tricky
( I overloaded again! ).
Dave Brafford
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Take a look here:
JCertify 6.0 conforms to the 1.4 Edition
Programmer Exam.
JCertify 6.0 Trial Download:
Dave Brafford
My interpretation of his question is the
"Core" Java - what is in the JDK, and
extensions - packages with javax. For example,
Collections are core - Servlets are not.
First - we need a clarification on what the
question really is - Suresh - can you clarify?
Considering the Certified Java Programmer Exam?
Get JCertify!
The best investment in your career you will make all year
22 years ago
Take a look at the Sun Core J2EE Patterns and
the Front Controller Pattern.
Other patterns that you may find useful:
- Command ( each of your different request
types may be handled via creation of a
Command object ). Common elements can
be handled in the Front Controller.
Dave Brafford
Considering the Certified Java Programmer Exam?
Get JCertify!
The best investment in your career you will make all year
22 years ago
There are some other ways - for example, putting
the ServletContext in the Application Context
or ( less desirably ), the session.
The bean could then lookup the Servlet context
in the Application ( or session ) context.
Another way is passing in the ServletContext
in the Bean Constructor ( a parameter, but done
only once ).
Food for thought,
Dave Brafford
Considering the Certified Java Programmer Exam?
Get JCertify!
Baldwin, Eckel, Green, and more
The best investment in your career you will make all year
22 years ago
The structure of the question is also somewhat
suspect - picking 3 out 4 correct. You get
a 25% chance of being correct by random
Questions that have 3 correct answer choices
will typically have a larger answer selection
list ( at least 5, typically 6 or more ).
Considering the Certified Java Programmer Exam?
Get JCertify!
The best investment in your career you will make all year
Exams and integrated content for 310-025 and 310-035
See answers below each of your questions
Hi All...
I would like to take Java Programmer certification exam. I have lot of basic questions.
1. which exam should I register for (1.2 or 1.4)?
Go with the 1.4 exam. At some point, the 1.2
exam will be discontinued.
2. I have "Java Certification study guide-2nd edition - by Roberts, heller and Earnest"..is this book enough for 1.4 version?
It won't match the objectives, but there is
substantial overlap. With some online material/
articles on the new material, and a good preparation aide like JCertify, you should do
3. where to register for?
Purchase an exam from your local Sun office. In the United States and Canada, you can purchase an exam by calling (800) 422-8020. If you reside outside the United States or Canada, please contact your local Sun office.
4. How much is the fee?
$150, or as priced in the country where the exam
is taken
Please help me out.
Dave Brafford
Considering the Certified Java Programmer Exam?
Get JCertify!
Available for both 310-025 and 310-035
Click here for JCertify
You might also try this: SCJP 1.4 Exam study
Neither the 1.2, 1.4, nor 1.4 upgrade programmer
exam uses negative marking.
Considering the Certified Java Programmer Exam?
Get JCertify!
The best investment in your career you will make all year