Ulf Dittmer

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since Mar 22, 2005
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Recent posts by Ulf Dittmer

For an assignment like this it may be fine, but in general you shouldn't try to handle CSV using string operations, but use a library like Apache Commons CSV instead. CSV is not as simple a file format as it looks at first, and before you're done coding all its special cases, you would be long done using a library.
1 year ago
Well, if the package name is "com.android.settings", then the class name sure isn't "com.android.settings.PrivacySettings" but probably "PrivacySettings".
1 year ago
Have you done what the error message suggests, i.e, declared that class in the manifest? Does the class exist, is it an activity, and is it public?
1 year ago
You haven't said what kind of app this is.

If this is a desktop app, then Corey's answer is spot on.

If this is a web app (which I assume, since you said you wanted to send a "link"), you need to install it on a publicly accessible server (hosting Java web apps will likely cost you some money) - then you can send out links to that.
1 year ago
A 404 means that the wrong URL is targeted. This part:

action="<c:url value="/client/saveClient"/>"

looks suspicious. Does that produce the correct URL?
1 year ago
The first result I get when googling for this is https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53815261/bad-notification-for-startforeground, which talks about notification channels. Have you tried that?
1 year ago

aymane daif wrote:This video is a good intro to "modern java"

In the context of this question it's important to note that Java 8 is not "modern Java". Java 11 is the base line, and even that is rapidly moving towards Java 17.
1 year ago
Someone with access to the Ranch source code repo should be able to figure this out. As part of the migration from UBB to JForum a mapping of Saloon topics IDs to JForum topic IDs was created. I seem to recall that this made its way into the repo; Jeanne Boyarsky would know for sure.
1 year ago
I think you're worrying about nothing. Where did you get the idea that the JDK you used to develop code would impact the code? That license is mostly about the JDK software itself, not the software you're developing with it.

There might be an impact if you use the JDK to run the code, but not to develop it.
1 year ago
Hibernate has nothing to do with NetBeans. You'll need to add it to your build manually.
1 year ago
Regarding how to store passwords in memory, I have always felt that it is way down in the list of security issues to worry about. If the integrity of the hosting JVM is compromised, or core dumps of a JVM's contents are available to unauthorized persons, it is likely that the organization has much bigger problems than compromised passwords (which can usually be changed quickly, although one needs to be aware of the problem first).
1 year ago
To avoid Oracle and its money grubbing ways I recommend you get your JDKs elsewhere, e.g. at https://adoptium.net

Also, JDK 8 is way outdated. If you're just starting out, start with JDK 11 at least, which by now is supported even in shared hosting environments. Or with JDK 17, if you're certain that you don't need to develop for such a constrained environment.
1 year ago

Ulf Dittmer wrote:OK, that looks like a pretty clean Tomcat, except for converter-gson-2.9.0.jar. That's part of your web app, and belongs into WEB-INF/lib, together with the other dependencies (like Retrofit).

Actually, jakarta.servlet.jsp-api-3.1.1.jar  looks suspicious. Wasn't there a jsp-api.jar file initially? Mucking around with Tomcat's internal files is a recipe for desaster.
1 year ago

Er I need an answer fast so I do hope you understand

I do understand your predicament, but I have no sympathy for you not mentioning it. You have been here long enough to have been reminded of this several times, yet you chose to ignore that once again. See https://coderanch.com/wiki/660346/Forthright-Cross-Posting-Sites for more information on that. So, as part of your next post, include links to all the places where you asked about this as well, so that we don't duplicate any more effort.

OK, that looks like a pretty clean Tomcat, except for converter-gson-2.9.0.jar. That's part of your web app, and belongs into WEB-INF/lib, together with the other dependencies (like Retrofit).
1 year ago