Lynn Gargallo

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since Feb 12, 2001
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23 years ago
PublixDirect is a new online grocery shopping and home delivery service. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Publix Super Markets, the largest employee-owned supermarket chain in the nation with $14 billion dollars in revenue. While Publix covers markets in the Southeast, PublixDirect looks forward to leading them into new markets. Their mission is to be the premier provider of grocery related products and services in the world. The service will be available in select locations starting Summer 2001. This is an opportunity to be a part of the team from the ground floor.
Compensation: Up to $87K (comensurate to experience) + guaranteed end-of-year bonus
Relocation: MaybeH1 Sponsorship: No
Pre-Employment Testing: Drug and Criminal
Job Description: Web Systems Technical Lead
The Web Systems Tech. Lead will be responsible for the design, development and testing of web systems, provide day-to-day technical leadership to the web development and support team and provide technical risk assessment. This position will also assist third party system integrators in configuring, implementing and testing packages (specifically Blue Martini). This person will serve as the technical focal point for all web systems.
Minimum Requirements:
�2 years Java and JSP development (current, ability to write code)
�E-commerce experience dealing with transactions on-line
�Exposure to Oracle
Requirements Considered:
�Broad experience and knowledge base of: HTML, PL/SQL, Oracle, Solaris, NT
Send resume to PublixDirect c/o Choice Consulting Group @

[This message has been edited by Lynn Gargallo (edited February 12, 2001).]
23 years ago
PublixDirect is a new online grocery shopping and home delivery service. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Publix Super Markets, and is the largest employee-owned supermarket chain in the US with $14 billion dollars in revenue. While Publix covers markets in the Southeast, PublixDirect looks forward to leading them into new markets. Their mission is to be the premier provider of grocery related products and services in the world. The service will be available in select locations starting Summer 2001. This is an opportunity to be a part of the team from the ground floor.
Compensation: up to $80K - comensurate to experience; Guaranteed year end bonus
Relocation: No
H1 Sponsorship: No
Pre-Employment Testing: Drug and Criminal
Job Description: This person will be responsible for the design, development and testing of web and fulfillment/support systems.
Minimum Requirements:
�A minimum of 2yrs experience in IT applications systems.
�Comprehensive knowledge of object-oriented analysis, modeling, design, and programming techniques.
�1yrs experience of hands on web and object-oriented design/architecture.
�6mths � 1yrs experience of Java development
�Broad experience and knowledge base of Java, JSP, Oracle, HTML, PL/SQL, Solaris and NT.
�The ability to effectively adapt to rapidly changing technology, and excellent communication skills.
Requirements Considered:
�Computer Science degree, or related discipline.
�Knowledge of Netscape Enterprise Server/iPlanet and BEA/Weblogics.
Send resume to PublixDirect c/o Choice Consulting Group @
23 years ago