Jingh Yi

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since Mar 23, 2005
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Recent posts by Jingh Yi

I found out how. Just use <param> tag
12 years ago

How do I pass the parameter along the redirect view-id? I would like to be able to do this:

<redirect view-id="/secure/AttachFiles.xhtml?studentId=#{studentHome.studentId}">

However it throws an error. I don't know what attribute I should set for redirect tag for this.

12 years ago
Can doStartTag() return SKIP_BODY when body-content is defined as tagdependent?

bengt and Mat,

Thanks for reply.

Mat, I think I got your point. for example, if there is an attribute like 'person-name', then we have to use xxx["person-name"] instead of using the dot operator or the attribute name itself.
I know I can set <scripting-invalid> to be true for this purpose, like this:

<url-pattern> *.jsp </url-pattern>

is there a way to set it in jsp directives? like isElIgnored for EL?
Did you ever notice that there is no EL implicit object equivalent to 'config' implicit object in jsp? so how does EL get the JSP init parameters??
For example, I have following set up in web.xml:



My question is, when ArithmeticException happens, which error page does it go to?


It's a valid point. Thanks.


Not sure what you are talking about. Sorry.
The following EL implicit object:
- pageScope
- requestScope
- sessionScope
- applicationScope

why do we need them? they can only be used to retrieve the attributes inside that scope, right? But we can directly access the attributes in those scopes by referencing the attribute names set in those scopes???

Name the method defined in the HttpServletResponse class that may be used to set the content type. Do not include parenthesis after the method.

The answer is setContentType.

But I think setHeader is also right. We can have HttpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html"). Right?

Dear ranchers,

Do you find jdiscuss web site acting wacky lately? I've been taking Enthuware mock exams from jdiscuss.com and I found many times, the answer page doesn't match with the questions. Do you find it also?

Thank you, Aruneesh, for your kind reply!

I'm going to take SCWCD exam. I want to confirm CX-310-081 is the one instead of CX-310-082.

Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.4 (CX-310-081)

Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.4 Upgrade Exam (CX-310-082)

try adding this line on top of your jsp:

<%@ page isELIgnored ="false" %>