Varsha Patil

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since Mar 23, 2005
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Recent posts by Varsha Patil

I am also interested in developing, but what is the company's name and is it possible for you forward my resume?
19 years ago
I m from Pune but currently working in Mumbai.
Can you forward my resume in your company?
What is ur company's name ...IS it PSPL?
19 years ago
Sorry....I did not paste the entire code.Here it is :

class A { }

class B extends A { }

class C extends B {
static void doSomething ( A x , A y )
static void doSomething ( A x , B y ) {System.out.print("AB");}
static void doSomething ( B x , A y ){System.out.print("BA");}
static void doSomething ( B x , B y ){System.out.print("BB");}
static void doSomething ( C x , C y ) { System.out.println("CC");}

public static void main(String[] args) {
static void doSomething ( A x , A y ) {System.out.print("AA");}
static void doSomething ( A x , B y ) {System.out.print"AB");}

static void doSomething ( B x , A y ) {System.out.print("BA");}
static void doSomething ( B x , B y ) {System.out.print("BB");}
static void doSomething ( C x , C y ) { System.out.println("CC");}//line 4

public static void main(String[] args) {

The above code prints "CC" as the o/p.If we comment out line 4 then it prints "BB". I m confused, as why does not it takes the other two values or print "BB" from first?

Please help..

Is it possible that all the posts of the same topic appear in a single search on JAVARANCH for e.g if I search for "THREADS" then it should list all the questions posted with threads...

Please reply

Congrats !!!

19 years ago
Hi Kedar,

I got the K&B's book which mentions that it is for exam 310-035 and 310-027.I donno if this is the correct book as the first chapter itself starts with a objective which is not in SUN's objectives for SCJP 1.4.

19 years ago
Hi Rashmi,

I have just shifted to JAVA and would be giving my SCJP next month.
I m looking for a job in Pune. Are there any openings for freshers/not much experienced people in PSPL....

Let me know...please
19 years ago
Thanx for the your valuable suggestion...
19 years ago

Congrats for such an amazing score...

Soon I would be giving my SCJP. I would be thankful to you if you share the tips, pattern of the exam and everything u did while preparing for the exam.

Varsha(preparing SCJP)
19 years ago
Hey Congrats!!!

Very good score inspite of studying for very short time ...

I would be giving my SCJP in May.Please tell me the book you referred for the exam...

19 years ago
In addition, you can call the the function using the main method.

class A {


void aMethod()
System.out.println("i m in A");


class B extends A{
void aMethod(){
//overriding aMethod from A
System.out.println("i m in B");

class C extends B{
void aMethod(){
System.out.println("i m in C");
//overriding aMethod from B

class overwrite
public static void main( String args[])
A a = new A( ) ;
a.aMethod( );