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since Mar 28, 2005
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Recent posts by RAN BAS

Anyone who has experience in moving back to India, can you please advice?

I would say look for companies with offices in India and find out if they have any openings in India. Same thing happened with me and I am going to join one top MNC's indian office next month.
16 years ago
Recently I got a hold of a job agent and got a job with their client for a permanent posting in Bangalore, India. As the offered package which was not good, I rejected the offer. But this job consultant is not leaving me, even calls me always at mid-night (I am in US) i.e. noon India time and asks me to negotiate with their client. I am not sure whether all these consultants are like this. And there needs to be a professionalism to be maintained. I have also told this lady, please dont call me at mid-night and it really irritates. Finally I decided to inform their client about unprofessionalism of their job agents.
What do think guys?
16 years ago
There is a util class in Axis package which provides way to convert a element to string.
Otherwise you have to achieve it manually by either your own logic in SAX parser or DOM parser.

I am quite agree with all of you. I am now in a process of evaluating Hibernate to work in conjuction with xml-db. Its the nature of my application to send and retrieve data from Oracle DB as a xml document. So When the size of my document is farele large let say 10mb then the whole network is on the knee. So surely I am in the opinion that flying by high speed train is better than a fighter jet because security is a more concerned. And of course there are other things to be concerned.
Does your company provide VISA sponsorship for outsiders.

19 years ago
Does your company provide sponsorship for outsiders.

19 years ago