xiaohong yu

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since Mar 29, 2005
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Recent posts by xiaohong yu

I have put the clp file in the c:\tomcathome\...and my other .class ,.java files in the other directories,I have write my web.xml ,but when i run the program ,it is said : .class file cant find ,I want to know if I have write the right web.xml,how to write about the .clp file in my web.xml??

I think if i should say the package in my class file ?
19 years ago
I need Jess source code ,I have gone to the website ,but it isnt allowed me to download ,perhaps our country's constraint,i think ,so if everybody has it ,could u send it to me ,of course,other's Jesscode is ok
thank u
19 years ago
(deftemplate pants-color (slot of) (slot is))
(deftemplate position (slot of) (slot is))
(defrule generate-possibilities
(foreach ?name (create$ Fred Joe Bob Tom)
(foreach ?color (create$ red blue plaid orange)
(assert (pants-color (of ?name)
(is ?color))))
;;共有16种循环结果比如Fred red;Fred blue。。。。。
(foreach ?position (create$ 1 2 3 4)
(assert (position (of ?name)
(is ?position))))))
(defrule find-solution
;; There is a golfer named Fred, whose position is ?p1
;; and pants color is ?c1
(position (of Fred) (is ?p1))
(pants-color (of Fred) (is ?c1))
;; The golfer to Fred's immediate right
;; is wearing blue pants.
(position (of ?n&~Fred)
(is ?p& eq ?p (+ ?p1 1))))
(pants-color (of ?n&~Fred)
(is blue&~?c1))
;; We don't know anything about Joe, really
(position (of Joe) (is ?p2&~?p1))
(pants-color (of Joe) (is ?c2&~?c1))
;; Bob is wearing the plaid pants
(position (of Bob)
(is ?p3&~?p1&~?p&~?p2))
(pants-color (of Bob&~?n)
(is plaid&?c3&~?c1&~?c2))
;; Tom isn't in position 1 or 4
;; and isn't wearing orange
(position (of Tom&~?n)
(is ?p4&~1&~4&~?p1&~?p2&~?p3))
(pants-color (of Tom)
(is ?c4&~orange&~blue&~?c1&~?c2&~?c3))
(printout t Fred " " ?p1 " " ?c1 crlf)
(printout t Joe " " ?p2 " " ?c2 crlf)
(printout t Bob " " ?p3 " " ?c3 crlf)
(printout t Tom " " ?p4 " " ?c4 crlf crlf))

this is the program ,and when i run it ,the result is
Jess, the Rule Engine for the Java Platform
Copyright (C) 2004 Sandia Corporation
Jess Version 7.0a6 3/23/2005

This copy of Jess will expire in 83 day(s).

i want to know why i cant see the result ??
thank u for ur help!!
very much
19 years ago
when i build the .java file ,i find it is useful ,but when i restart the eclipse ,and then do the same thing ,it is no use ,and there is the question:Can't connect to debugged process:Could not connect to server.
java.io.IOException: Could not connect to server.
i use jess to do something about the data clean ,and i want to know some of u use it what to do??
thank u!
19 years ago
thank u very much ,i see it!
IMPORTANT!If you're updating from a previous version of the JessDE, you must launch Eclipse with the "-clean" command-line switch to force it to update the information it caches regarding the JessDE plugins. If you don't do this, many of the JessDE's options will be disabled. You only need to do this once after the installation.

can u tell me in detail??where to use the "-clean"??
sorry ,i can do it myself ,expecting for ur news
i want to know how to edit jess ,which tools should i use ,and how to configuire it ,thank u !!
19 years ago
sorry ,i just want to use the eclipse to edit my jess code ,and i think it should edit and i will use it to write jess code .and do something about data clean .
i am the first time here ,and now i register ,i am very happy here
i want to ask a question

these days i am studying the jess and i want to use it to data clean ,but the first step,i cant use the eclipse to edit jess code ,and if anyone of u know it ,can u tell me??i cant configure the eclipse ,and the eclipse cant open the .clp files

thank u ,wishes for ur message