Sakthi Kani

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since Mar 29, 2005
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Recent posts by Sakthi Kani

Hi All,

I need some idea for the below,

"When I pass a keyword though my java program, it should go and search in google and get the results."

How can I go with this requirement?

Please help me.


15 years ago
Hi All,
In java, is it possible to create class dynamically from other class,
for example, In my Test class i am passing one command line value, say its in "name"
In this Test class can i create another class called 'TestName' with one class level attribute called "name" in the TestName?
15 years ago
I couldnt close the tempFile.
15 years ago

I have a piece of below code to write the details into output file,

I am able to close out object, but the tempFile.

Can anyone tell me how to close this file?

Thanks in advance.
JCE: Please Use Code Tags
15 years ago

How to get border when we use tr:table tag. I am not getting in my application. Please anyone can help me out.

16 years ago
Hi All,

Can anyone let me know what is the difference between SCWCD exam (CX-310-083) and upgrade exam (CX-310-084)?

I have completed my SCJP, now to which one I can go for from these two?

Thanks in Advance.

How to get Key and value from HashMap in jsf. I am using c:forEach.

I have ArrayList(finalList) which will have list of Map.

<c:forEach items="#{myBean.finalList}" var="secondloop" >



Please help me to solve this.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago

I need to display my table like the following,
Emp.No Emp.Name DOJ
101 Sakthi 3/10/2005
Dept Computer
103 LSK 23/6/2007
Dept Accounts

I want to dispay Dept in second line of the same row.
I tried with <h:dataTable>, its not coming.

Is there any other way to do it ?

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago

I forgot my console password in weblogic server. Please help me how to find it.

Thanks in advance.
18 years ago
Thanks for your reply.

Where can i find the OCA-9i syllabus.

Thanks in Advance.

Can anyone suggest me which one is more valuable. java certification or oracle certification. I am in bit confusion to choose. I have done SCJP alone and working under java/j2ee for the past 2 years.

Thanks in advance.

I got SCJP and now I am working in Java/J2ee. So which certification would be useful for my career growth. I planned to write Oracle certification. But some people are saying its not worthful. So i got confused. Please anyone can suggest me what should be my next step. Is it towards oracle or java certification?

Thanks & Regards,

Math round() method will return the maximum value.
--> In 5.5 it rounds to the maximum value of 6.0(return type is double)
--> In -5.5, it rounds to the value of -5.0, because -5 is greater than -6.

hope you are clear now.