Originally posted by Edwin Keeton:
All the answers are probably not in a single book.
Originally posted by jerry andy:
1.polymorphysm vs encapsulation.
3.abstract vs inheritance
4.Hash Map
5.Array List
6.Hash Table vs vector
Originally posted by Jeff Bosch:
What makes this seemingly-trivial problem urgent?
Originally posted by Kalyani Marathe:
I have question related to char value.
char c = -0; // why no compiler error.
System.out.println(c);//it prints nothing
Originally posted by Max Simpson:
doesn't calling 'return' cause the method to exit immediately, regardless of whether or not it is called from within a loop?
Originally posted by Ta Ri Ki Sun:
It seems to me that you're looking at the whole picture and worrying too much, it's much simpler when you look at all the rather specific little problems.
Originally posted by Chengwei Lee:
Firstly, it was you to declared that the return type of this method to be of String type. And at the return statement, you concatenate String object with the integer & double results which in turn produced a new String object.
Originally posted by Francisco Gonzalez:
I know you ended up with the right answer, but is that always going to work ?