Daniel Amadei

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I received an response to an email from prometric telling they will send the grade in 4 to 6 weeks. Lets wait to see where we have gone wrong.

Hi Thomas,

I took BEA courses and used those materials for the cert. THis was easy for me as I work for BEA here in Brazil.

I believe its not easy to take this cert without taking the courses as its focused in BEA not general SOA understanding.

For WLS, I'd recommend you taking the WLS Certified Developer. Its an general cert about JEE and WLS. Im gonna take WLI Developer and then WLS Cert Developer. Maybe we can prepare together.

If you are interested, please, send me an email daniel.amadei [at] gmail dot com

Good luck!

Hi All,

I've just passed the BEA Certified SOA Architect (0B0-107), what makes me a BEA SOA Architect as I've recently passed the first test (0B0-106).


I can advice you what not to do as I've failed.

I dont know if we still can't talk specifically about the assignment, so I wont talk about it.

I don't know which parts I did wrong as we did not receive the score, but revisiting my project I only can figure out that Sun may have disagreed the changes I did to make the domain model more flexible, changing some core parts of the domain, but still maintaining the same functionality and making the domain model more flexible to accomodate future changes, which as I believe is one of the key jobs of an architect. I even put this justification in my assumptions and in the risks list with an appropriate mitigation, so I don't know if this is really the cause of my failure.

I also modeled the Entities as being pure object oriented, trying to avoid the Anemic DM ( http://martinfowler.com/bliki/AnemicDomainModel.html ) as much as possible.

I passed the older version of the exam, so I believe Sun is much more restrictive as I believe this project I did much better than the older one.

As you can see, I really can't figure out where I did wrong but these are the tips I can offer.

[ February 20, 2008: Message edited by: Daniel Amadei ]
It looks like most people have passed.

How can I see where I did wrong?

I failed.

I'd like to know why.

Hi All,

Anybody got the results? I'm seeing I7 DB every 10 minutes and still havent got the results

[ February 18, 2008: Message edited by: Daniel Amadei ]
No. But unfortunately the preparation docs are the BEA courses.

I'm studying using some material found in e-docs.bea.com

If you want to prepare for this test, we can join forces. Mail me at daniel.amadei[at]gmail.com

[ January 03, 2008: Message edited by: Daniel Amadei ]

The BEA Cert Developer is a cert which covers basic concepts about JEE development (JMS, EJB, JNDI, etc) plus some WebLogic server topics.

The Architecture Cert is very harder and covers some concepts on networking and weblogic admin, and obviously JEE/BEA architecture concepts.

Im preparing for both. You can get more info and the mock exams at certification.bea.com


About 2 months of prep. Now Im preparing for part 2.

The content is some generic questions about SOA: WS, Registry, etc and some specific about how BEA sees SOA.


BEA SOA Architecture certification part 1 covers some fundamentals of SOA and the way BEA supports SOA.

You should start preparing reading the BEA Domain Model white paper.

Very similar to the past version...

Passed with 84%

On to part 2.

I agree with Marcelo.

I did this, but I went to BEA SOA cert, not IBM, but first got SCDJWS, which is really helpful for ones working with SOA.

All the books from Martin Fowler are a *MUST HAVE*!