I can advice you what not to do as I've failed.
I dont know if we still can't talk specifically about the assignment, so I wont talk about it.
I don't know which parts I did wrong as we did not receive the score, but revisiting my project I only can figure out that Sun may have disagreed the changes I did to make the domain model more flexible, changing some core parts of the domain, but still maintaining the same functionality and making the domain model more flexible to accomodate future changes, which as I believe is one of the key jobs of an architect. I even put this justification in my assumptions and in the risks list with an appropriate mitigation, so I don't know if this is really the cause of my failure.
I also modeled the Entities as being pure object oriented, trying to avoid the Anemic DM (
http://martinfowler.com/bliki/AnemicDomainModel.html ) as much as possible.
I passed the older version of the exam, so I believe Sun is much more restrictive as I believe this project I did much better than the older one.
As you can see, I really can't figure out where I did wrong

but these are the tips I can offer.
[ February 20, 2008: Message edited by: Daniel Amadei ]