Neeraj Dheer

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since Mar 30, 2005
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We are in the midst of upgrading from IBM MQ v6 to IBM MQ v7. We have a mix of JMS-based and IBM MQ-API based applications. However the applications still use jdk 1.4.2 - Upgrading the jdk is not an option at the moment. I have checked the pre-requisites at the IBM MQ site, and MQ v7 (specifically shoould work with java 1.4.2

IBM MQ Prerequisite site:

For the upgrade, we also upgraded the client jar files from MQ v6 to MQ v7 client jars - We always use the CLIENT mode for connections.
All the point-to-point connections were migrated successfully - Did not come across any issue with either the client v7 jars - in both IBM MQ and JMS mode - and both with and without JNDI bindings.

However, we need to connect to a topic still on MQ v6 using the same MQ v7 jar files. The issue we are facing is that the connection is made fine (Using JNDI bindings files generated by the JMSAdmin utility using v7 jars). We also receive messages, however after receiving a few (random) number of messages, we get the following error and the connection drops:
Message : javax.jms.JMSException: MQJMS1107: A problem with the connection has occurred.

After enabling JMS Trace for this process, we see the following 2 issues:

1. See the following messages:

and then the second set of error messages:


now, my questions:
1. Do we really need the mqjbnd.dll file (So dll on my local windows development environment and the Linux library on the Linux env?) ? If we do, why did we not see the error earlier for point-to-point?

2. Since we are using jdk 1.4.2, the class obviously cannot be found - which does mean that we might be using the jdk 5 version of the client jars rather than the jdk 1.4.2 version - However again, why did it work so far? Also, I did try to find the MQ v7 jdk 1.4.2 client jars but could not - Would highly appreciate if someone could point me to a download link.

3. Is there any way to get the JMX package for jdk 1.4.2?

The entire jms trace file is very big but can attached the relevant bit if needed.


12 years ago
very old thread...hopefully someone still has more on this...

similar thread here

Anyone to clarify?
First of all :

1. Trying to revive a very old thread, so not sure if anyone will read this.

2. Been a long time since i visited the Ranch, but needed to look for something and sure enough, ended up finding it here.


'Final variable declared in a method has the same scope as other non-final variables in the method, ie, as long as the method (or block in which the variable is declared) is being executed'.

When I declare an anonymous inner class in a method and need the inner class to use a variable declared in the enclosing method, I have to declare it as final. Cant pass a non-final variable.
This leads me to the conclusion that final variables are treated differently than non-final variables.
This link refers to the final variable being stored in a 'more permanent area of memory' which i guess refers to the 'permanant area'.

Is this inference correct or am I missing out on something?

Also - similar thread here
16 years ago
can you please post your web.xml file?
19 years ago
How can two classes in the same package have the same name?
19 years ago
ok...So, it resolves to the 'root' directory of the system.

For Ex:- on my windows machine file://localhost/ resolves to 'C:/' .
What happens if i have more than one drives/partitions? Have been told that it resolves to the drive on which the calling application resides.

I have not tried this on Unix, but am assuming it wil still resolve to '/'. Or will it resolve to the user's 'home' directory?
19 years ago

I have tried this in Websphere as well and it works, so it is not a tomcat thing.

From what I can see, file://localhost resolves to the context root of all the web apps, like the webapps directory in tomcat.
19 years ago
You could pass the required field as a hidden parameter which you could then retrieve in the next action class.
19 years ago
Ritchie: I understand that. It maps to some file on the local system. But which file/directory? It cant point to some arbitrary directory.

Stuart: The URL doesnt show up that. i get the 'C;/.. ' or whatever path that way.

I am told it points to the 'Temp' directory, but i am not sure this is right.
19 years ago
Hi again!!!

I have come across some code which does something like:

This code is used to get a Stream to a file on the filesystem using tomcat. What does 'file://localhost' resolve to??? Is this a standard way of referring to some particular directory?
19 years ago
Strange problem. I have a jsp with 'multipart/form-data'. That jsp has two parameters, one is a name-value parameter 'path' (represents where i want to save the file being uploaded within the application context) and the second is the actual file.

When i submit this data to a 'Test Environment' in WSAD 5.1.2, at times, i can see 2 threads for the same request. I have tested this by putting System.out.println(Thread.getName()) in the servlet and the class the servlet calls for the actual parsing of the request.

What i see is that, if the duplicate request passes through before the original request, all the parameters are null and a NullPointerException is thrown, but then the original request goes through, all the parameters are present and i get a success without the file being uploaded.

Why is a duplicate request being created? Is this websphere specific, since i have enver faced this problem with Apache Tomcat? Any solutions??
19 years ago
Try getting the path of the file using ClassLoader.getResource("..."). That way the right path will be passed to JDOM
19 years ago
Try something like the following code for sending the file to the client:
19 years ago
Can you post the html code? Have you set the enctype attribute of 'form' to multipart/form-data ?
19 years ago