
Ranch Hand
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since Apr 01, 2005
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Recent posts by S.L.Narayanan

Hi Ranchers,
Is there any way to find out the number of sessions through command line rather than weblogic admin console. This is needed as I want to automate the process of statistics collection. Please help me on this.
18 years ago
I have a web application deployed in weblogic8.1...i want a specific folder to be made restricted to some of the users...if the URL contains that folder name then they should be popped-up with a window asking for their username and password. How to do this in weblogic?
18 years ago
I have a web application deployed in weblogic8.1...i want a specific folder to be made restricted to some of the users...if the URL contains that folder name then they should be popped-up with a window asking for their username and password. How to do this in weblogic?
18 years ago
hi friends,

In my project log4j is used extensively. Almost in all the action classes (we use struts), we log things. But the problem is, when concurrent users are there the logs are getting mixed up. Because of this debugging becomes a head-ache. I want to prefix all the logging statments with the userid of the person who has logged in. But its not possible to do this change in all the places where logging is used since I need to compile and deploy the whole application again which is impossible. Is there any way by which I can change some class or config file through which I can achieve my requirement?
Hi friends,

I need to create a tree structure dynamically in a JSP page with expanding and shrinking options...It will be like a customer having many accounts and each account will have its own data...so whenever the customer clicks on the (+) button of some account number it should expand and show the contents from which he can further dig down...the main problem is I have to do this with J2SE1.2...thats y I am not able to use netUI...I cannot go for Applet/Swing also...Can anyone suggest a good approach to achieve this?
18 years ago
What about the VISA?. Will you bear the costs or we have to?. I am from India.
18 years ago
I have a requirement like this:

An image which has a specific shape will be given as input by the user. The user will open another image and select a range. Inside the range my program should find out the matching shapes with the inputted image and highlight the shapes. The shapes may be of different sizes and angles. To select the range user will select some points on the image which can be joined using Bezier curves based on the input shape.

I tried combining Edge Detection algorithms with segmentation but they fail to find out the intended shapes. Rather they show all the edges and segments.

Is there any algorithm which will take an image as input and find out the matching areas in the next image(same shapes of varying sizes)?. Please help me as I need to complete this as soon as possible.
19 years ago
Hi guys,

I am also from chennai and preparing for XML certification. You can contact me @ [email protected]
I have a lotus notes client installed in my system which has been configured for my email id and working fine. Now I have a requirement that every week a mail has to be sent with the data that is got from a database. I am going for Java to do the business logic. But the problem is I don't know how to use lotus notes Java API in Java to send a mail with attachment. I am able to create a domino session but couldn't proceed further. Please help me out.
19 years ago

Congratulations for the maximum possible score!!!
19 years ago

Well Done!!!

Well Done!!!

Well Done!!!
19 years ago

Great job !!!
19 years ago
Thank you Hari.

Those words are really inspiring.