kwyap me

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Originally posted by alan wamser:
If you click on page 2 and 3 and everything displays ok. What happens is you go back to page one after you've clicked on 2 or 3?


Thank you for the patient replies

The app basically contains a JSP as the presentation layer, passing data into the servlet/beans for "Processing" before returning to the JSP a serialized bean model. The displaytag here loads the bean model and lists it out.

After the servlet processes, it navigates to the JSP, displaying page 1. This page 1 is faulty. But if you click page 2,3 etc it would be ok. And if you do click back page 1, it is still displaying fine. Its only the first page that is being displayed after the servlet's processing thats giving problems

I have a JSP application running on sql server/db2 using ibm websphere. Like to find out if anyone out there knows how to package such an application into a single installer CD, whereby the user just pops it into the com and it starts a installation process.

I'm having a software distribution problem here!
18 years ago

Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
Are there any actual error messages?

Nope, no error messages in my error logs

I am trying out DisplayTag on a JSP web app. I am using a JSP/Servlet model whereby data is retrieved and serialized at the javabeans and passed to the JSP for display via servlets.

I got an error. At the 1st page, Displaytag shows the results w/o any formatting. What I saw was only black text over a white table. If I were to click on page 2, 3 etc, I would then see correctly the table colors as I wanted it to be.

Pls advice

I am using Tomcat 5.0 and eclipse. Tried to call servlets using http://localhost:8080/myApp/servlet/ but I received a resource not found message in IE. Previously I had no problems in Tomcat4.

I had done the following
1. Unmap web.xml in tomcat -- invoker servlet and mapping
2. Set classpath environment variable Java_HOME and TOMCAT_HOME

Pls kindly help
18 years ago

This is my first time trying out hibernate. I am attempting to insert a new record via a servlet call in IE. This servlet would in turn invoke a javabean that does the actual work of insertion.

I believe there is something wrong with my deployment. Pls help to check

App Server: Tomcat 4
Database: SQL Server 2000
Hibernate ver: 2
Error Msg: could not insert: [spectra.commons.hibernate.AppLabs#2]

File Breakdown
---------------- This is the persistent POJO
hibernate.cfg.xml: This is located in my tomcat web-inf/classes
Additional remarks: All other library files are located in web-inf/classes

Database Script


I would like to assure you that this app works on my development machine as well as on several other sites that runs win2k and jrun.

Not so much as a code problem.
19 years ago

Hi all

We are experiencing JDBC problems with Jrun on win2k3

Old Platform
Win 2000
Jrun 3.1
SQL Server 7
JDK 1.3

New Platform
Win 2003
Jrun 3.1
SQL Server 2000
JDK 1.3

We tried to switch between Ms JDBC for sql server and jTDS. We got different errors for the same pages. NullPointerExceptions, Address in Use everywhere in our jsp. But previously we do not get these, neither do we get these on our other sites. This only happens after the os migration. And we tried turning off Database pooling and increasing the max , min heap size of the JRE. Still we coulnd't resolve it

Can anyone advise a way outta this. Thanks