sanjay hande

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since Apr 05, 2005
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Recent posts by sanjay hande

Is it possible to change the size of a JPanel at runtime, say by clicking one of the four radio buttons inside the panel, the Panel size will vary depending on how many components are added to the Parent Panel?
16 years ago
I am having an excel file (.xls) of size about 2.3 mb. I need to write data to one of its worksheets.

I am using java to read and write to this excel file and using the api provided by POI (Apache).

There are around 25 tabs in the file each of which contains some text.

However, while doing so, I am getting an exception mentioned below.

It works when I remove the remaining sheets.

Can anyone help me out getting my problem resolved?

The exception which occurs is as below:-

Exception occurred during event dispatching:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 49

at org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.ValueRecordsAggregate$MyIterator.findNext(

at org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.ValueRecordsAggregate$MyIterator.<init>(

at org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.ValueRecordsAggregate.getRowCellBlockSize(

at org.apache.poi.hssf.model.Sheet.serializeIndexRecord(

at org.apache.poi.hssf.model.Sheet.serialize(

at org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook.getBytes(

at org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook.write(
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17 years ago
I created a RadioButton inside JTable in one of the columns. I used a custom CellRenderer and Editor to add that to the table. I am working in a Framework where they have created wrappers on the normal swing components and other related classes. I am using "j2sdk1.4.2_06". Now its showing this error.

at javax.swing.JTable.prepareRenderer(

I created the application using java compiler "6.0" and "jre1.6.0_03" and it was working fine with that.

Can anyone suggest the remedy to this issue?

17 years ago
Can a JSP be extended?
19 years ago
I want to create an auto-increament like thing in MS Sql Server2000 (which is possible with MySql).
I am not sure whether that functionality is there in the SQL Server 2000. I think we use sequence in Oracle to do the same thing.
The column will have nos generated automatically which otherwise would increament by themselves as the data is inserted into the row.

I am using sql server 2000 with java.

and will i have to write the functionality in java or it can be at the database level only?
In the normal practice we write the connection and driver code in the same
file for a single java class.

I want to avoid this since i am to use it for more than one file/classes.
By putting the connection and related things in one java file and then using it in jsps. I don't intend to use jstl and i want the jdbc code to be in a separate (java/jsp/bean) file and the jsp code in another file.
This is to avoid the multiple connection openings.
what are the methods to achieve this?

Also i am facing problems while connecting sql server2000 using tomcat5.0.

Is DbConnectionBroker helpful me to do this ?