Hello there,
As far crystal report is concerned, it comes in different flavours, one which I tried is CR server component called from ASP on IIS. Firstly .jsp is called which then redirects to ASP page (eg one from samples, generally in Program Files\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\Samples\Code\Web\Active Server Pages\sample.asp) running on IIS. This ASP page creates CR server instance & generates report which jsp has posted as querystring.
The problem with combination is u'll need to deploy it on MS only. CR server is supported on MS only, not on unix/linux. If now if it is available, let me also know.
Here are steps to be followed:
1) .jsp?param=... : from weblogic check out community.seagatesoftware.com.
2) redirect it to iis/pws which can run asp & create server component.
3) that .asp page
4) thats it!