Kalyani Marathe

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since Apr 06, 2005
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Congratulations !!

Congratulations !!

Share some secrets of success.

19 years ago
Yes, you are right that bean is stored in classes.
But the instance of bean with user input values is stored in some scope for further manipulation.

I hope this helps.

Hey Suchitra,

Please find it here.
I hope this helps.

With regards,
Thanks for good suggestions for preparation of SCWCD.
I have to do hands on now.

Thanks once again.
Hi Amit,

If you are taking exam for the the first time you should go with the first one 081.
If you have already taken for older version of 080 then you can upgrade with the 082. The Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.4 Upgrade certification exam is for candidates who have already successfully completed the Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform (any edition) and Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (310-080) examinations.

Hope it clears your doubt.

Congratulations !!! Vineela.

Its a very good score.

19 years ago
Hey Rishi,

You can check this out:

Also you can search mocks in search tool. You will get many.

Congrats!! Good score.

Thanks Radhika. I will go through those links.

I was going through Design Patterns. But I think HFSJ has not covered all type of designs. So if somebody can tell me what kind of designs I should learn and if any tutorials based on them. I have seen questions in mocks based on other design patterns too.

Any help is appreciated.

Congratulations !!! Good score.

Keep up.
Congrats!!. Its very good score.

Keep it up.
Congrats !! to you. Good score.