Amol Fuke

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since Apr 08, 2005
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Recent posts by Amol Fuke

Hi All ,

We have one customFile folder in project folder where in we have two seperate folders , one for samsung and one for nokia and each one having seperate files needed for slightly different behaviour of application(for samsung and nokia).Most of the other code and functanality is same for both implementation.

When we want build for samsaung , we mention samsun_build.xml while invoking ant command.In the build.xml , we copy these files from custom folder to main code base.
Similarly when we invoke nokia_build.xml , in the ant file we copy nokia specific files from nokia folder to main code base.

Now we need to use more cleaner approch.I have thought of using factory pattern but it does not fit into it as we have around 10 files and they needed to be invoked in differnt places.

Can you please suggest any approch to solve this ?

Thanks Sudipto for the reply.I tried sending it to gmail but it garbled.

It seems the language packs are not installed on the linux server because when we see the text in vi editor it is garbled only.

We have checked the locales on the server and all the locales are present.

12 years ago
Hi ,

We have an application which sends emails in japanese text.I have local setup wherein I have weblogic on my windows machine and email in japanese comes fine in outlook.

When I test it on dev server which is weblogic on linux , the same japanese text appears junk in outlook.

Is there any setting on weblogic side that we have to do ?

12 years ago
Hi All ,

We need to migrate our application from jboss to weblogic 11G.We have succesfully completed the part of migrating ears into weblogic.But we are facing issue on how to migrate/implement the authetication process in weblogic.Currently we are using ldap authentication in jboss.I have gone thru the lot of documention on security in weblogic but not able to get starting point.OR probably too much confused about all the providers,Assertion,Authorization,Adjudication,Role Mapping etc..
Can anybody point me where to start ? any step by step approch for this ?

We have below entries in the login-config.xml in jboss ? What is equivalent file in weblogic ?

12 years ago
Hi All ,

How do I export my xml into ODATA/JSON format ? I am new to ODATA.

Any links/resources will be helpful.

Hi ,

I have a cron job scheduled to run at every hour ;

Suppose I have created another job at 3:38 PM, will it run at 4 PM/5 PM/6 PM or 4:38 PM/5:38 PM/6:38 PM ?

Another question , what would be the cron expression if I want to run the job every hours in besiness hours i.e. between 7 AM to 7 PM.

is this right "0 0 7-19 ? * *" .But sometimes the jobs gets fired after 19 hours also.

Please let me know.

14 years ago
Hi ,

I filtered hprof file from jmap based on classes and I see 2 columns 'Instances' and 'Size' apart from others.Can I know what does these 2 columns mean ? I see the size for some classes as big as 300.

Please let me know what these 2 column means ?

14 years ago
Hi All ,

I already have one customized property file (somename_scheduler-service.xml) for one scheduler. Now we have the requirement to create another scheduler. These scheduler will be on another Jboss server on another machine and the application which uses this scheduler on different machine.

Can I configure the another scheduler in the same property file like below;

Is it possible like this ? When Jboss will start , both these scheduler will start.

Let me know.

14 years ago
Hi All,

I am using for showing window.

When I resize this window(modalPanel ), I want to resize the text (seperate html file) within this window also.Also the cross(close) button in title bar should also adjusted itself according to new resize.

Is there any way I can achive this ?

Let me know.

14 years ago
Thanks Ulf and Kunal !

- Amol
Hi ,

In head first book , page 587 ,

For this request ,
what would be the container's choice among the following mappings ?

The answer is Three.Can somebody explains me how the answer is Three ?

I tested the code just like Deepti said but I did not get Instantiation Exception.It is just a JspException.

So I think question remains unanswered as Deepti asked for the change in the code that would cause the IE.

Hi ,

Is the example of valid empty tag ?

<mind:advice name="${userName}" />

Considering uri and tld are configured correctly.

Hi ,

Can you use this
<c ut value="${emp.empId}" />
and add this taglib in your jsp :

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
