mohana krishna

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Recent posts by mohana krishna

Project jQuery version updated from 1.X to 3.

After jQuery update for the project  for a Ajax call for vendor search field response shown with additional horizontal and vertical scroll bar as shown in the image.
In the old version of jQuery for vendor search field Ajax response scroll bar is not displayed as shown in the image.

In the old version view source code i can see anchor tags, will it be added by jQuery library dynamically?
In the case of working view source code view source in  UL tag "ui-corner-all" class is used additionally but not sure how it got added.

In code jquery-ui.min.js and  jquery-ui.min.css file is there.

Any clue how to remove the scroll bar.
Hi Tim Holloway,

Thanks for your reply.

Issue is resolved now , its because .addDefaultText() method , its not working in jQuery3.
If I select a specific radio button a new text field will be displayed, its having value undefined due to addDefaultText() method.
Once I fix this issue new asset is saved successfully in database.
1 year ago
Hi Tim Holloway,

Thanks for the reply.

As it requires lot of data, I need to check internally I can post it or not because of the client agreement.

1 year ago
I am facing one issue in spring web flow.

AddAsset event is configured in create-flow.xml file which is used to trigger the required service method in the service class.

Before calling the service method Filter and interceptors will be called.

When I call the request from the browser request is going to Filter and interceptors, but request is not reached to the service method.

I am not getting any exception messages in the log and all the logs given at start and end of interceptors are printed.

After the request process same page will be loaded.

So whatever the data I updated its not saved in the database because the request not reached service method.

Similar request for another event EditAsset which calls same service class but different method is working fine.

In this case logs are printed properly in Filter , interceptors and service class as well.

I am facing the issue after migration to java 8 (from 7) and jQuery 3 ( from 1) .

In the old SIT (java 7 and jquery 1) still its working fine.

Tried options with debug and change the name of the event id but still issue is not resolved.

Any idea how to resolve the issue , please feel free to revert if you need more information.
1 year ago
Hi Bear Bibeault,

Thanks for your reply.
Found some work around by using focus and blur.

With jQuery version 1.4.2  setting default value to a text field is working with  .
Recently migrated system to jQuery 3.5.1  now is not working   and showing "undefined" as default text .
Searched internet for a solution but no luck, Please help to suggest any idea to resolve the issue.
Issue resolved after removing href="#"
Upgraded web application from jQuery from 1.X to 3.X.
Aktion drop down will be there if  i click on "Aktion" value "Zeige alle User" will be populated as shown in the image, If i click on "Zeige alle User" page will be submitted.

But after migration if I double click then only page is submitted.

Not sure why different behavior after migration.

Tried to find solution in google but no luck.

Any idea how can i fix the issue.
Hi Ron McLeod,

Thanks a lot for your reply, it helped me to resolve the issue.
Used the following approach to resolve the issue.

Hi recently we are migrating from jQuery 1.X to 3.X . Using model dialog before migration pop up did not show yellow bar on the top. But after migration yellow pop up shown, tried some options from google but did not work. Can please help me how to remove the yellow bar , please find the attached code.
Hi Tim Holloway,

Thanks a lot for you reply, will check with DBA.

Mohana Krishna.

I have a complex query with 14 tables in the from clause. In where clause i have 14 AND conditions among them 4 are right outer joins.

It's called from PL/SQL using the java code.

So when the  PL/SQL query is called using java code it's running very slow approximately 90 seconds.

If i execute the same query in Oracle developer query is running fast less than 10 seconds.

I have verified all the columns in the where clause are indexed and it won't suppress index ( not used NULL, NOT IN , SUBSTR, athematic operator ).

Why running the same query from the PL/SQL is slow.

I have plan to create a temporary table first insert records with important columns from important tables.

Then update the other columns by fetch the data now it will be simple update query,

Once I captured the data in java side then i will delete the data in temporary table.

Is there any better idea than this.
I am getting some other exception, once fixed that exception SnapshotNotFoundException issue is solved.
1 year ago
Tim Holloway thanks for your reply.

Same code working fine in SIT Linux environment with java 8 , but giving problem in the local windows environment with java 8.
Will check with the Dozer jar.

1 year ago
I am trying to copy the properties from one object to another using BeanUtils.copyProperties(destination,original) of commons-beanutils.jar.
After upgrading from java 7 to java 8 i am getting the error.
returning "Exception:
org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils.primitiveToWrapper(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/class;": java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:

Please find the attached screenshot where it's using two different version jars for  using commons-beanutils-1.9.2.jar:1.9.2 and for using commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar:1.6.

But in my pom.xml below configuration is there so maven will download only 1.9.2 version.

If I remove the folder 1.7.0 of commons-beanutils in offline repository and do a maven build I am getting the following error.

Execution default of goal org.codehaus.mojo:aspect-maven-plugin:1.4:compile failed: plugin org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.4 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Cannot access repository (repositoryurl) in offline mode and the artifact commons-beanutils:jar:1.7.0 has not been downloaded from it before.

Tried with google but did not help , Please help to advise how can i resolve the issue.
1 year ago