Biren shah

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Recent posts by Biren shah

Thanks Raghu for the answers,

Coming from the EJB� 2.x world, it was like a breath of fresh air, and reminded us of how it felt to discover Java� technology after years of programming C and C++.

That sounds really really interesting and promising.

I hope it turns out the same way and so does your book.

Thanks again for the answers.
I have few more question.
I saw some previous posts which explains interception but what is injection?
dependency injection?
and ya Is your book available in india?

1) People who made the spec know the problems encountered in 2.1 well enough, so I think the same mistakes will not be repeated. Or that would mean the death of entreprise beans

It is not always necessary that any updated thing is always good then the previous one.
[Removed comments; Mark Spritzler]

2) The title of the book includes "from Novice to Professional". A good bet that you'll learn a lot about ejb3.0 there.

No betting allowed at javaranch

[ October 24, 2006: Message edited by: Mark Spritzler ]
Welcome Raghu Kodali and Jonathan Wetherbee

I would like to start with two basic questions ( and it will help you market your book!!)

1) Why EJB 3.0
Times and times i have heard that most of the projects based on ejb could have been bettered completed without it as there were many problems with EJB 2.X.ofcourse the best answer is it is a standard but what else?
How does EJB 3.0 guarantee that those mistakes will not be repeated.

2) Why use your book for EJB 3.0 ?
I dont know EJB 2.X(i am trying to learn it) and want to learn directly 3.0 , can your book be useful for it?
No one working on freelancing from javaranch ?
Bartenders,sherrif's especially ..Mark can you help me regarding this?
Any guidance ? pro's con's? when to take this up or not to take it?

Would really appreciate any kind of help.
Thanks in advance
18 years ago
Ofcourse its not agains the policy but its a lazy one.

Try yahoo groups search for pune it companies or pune j2ee companies.
in their files section you will find the names of companies.
18 years ago

Even 6-7 years back, there were very few good engineering colleges in India and that too mostly run by state governments.

They are still there and producing quality professionals.
And there are same number of private colleges founded by reputed companies like DAIICT by Reliance Industry and others which are not for money making.

The politicans are just creating more engineers and giving public false sense of "plenty of jobs" feeling.

Not every Engineer need to write code for google's searching algorithm.
Apart from writing pure business logic and algorithms
We need software engineers that can give support to existing softwares.
We need software engineers that can maintain existing software and remove bugs.
We need software engineers that can do QA for new developments.
We need software engineers that do migration of existing projects to new projects.

If everybody has passed out from MIT or IIT or BITS then nobody would do QA or give support.

Also, the top IT companies in India earlier used to conduct moderate level of screening during interview. Nowadays they set a target like "we have to recruit 100 personnel today by hook or crook".

The vast talent pool half of which do not find their jobs in first six month of there graduation make the indian IT market so hot , competitive and lucrative.

I have seen my friends working day and night on soft skills programming skills to pass that interviews.

The count of employees that are going to be hired this year by 4 companies namely TCS , Satyam , Wipro ,Infosys is 1,00,000.
Only 4 companies.
Not all are going to be working on algorithms.
Not all need to be from reputed engineering college with masters in computer science.

Those companies recruiting such big head count will also give layoffs when recession comes.
And i am more of concerned with that , today or 5 or 10 years later its going to come for sure.
What will happen then with such large pool of people unemployed???
[ October 20, 2006: Message edited by: Biren shah ]
18 years ago
This is going to be the best post in rescent times if useful inputs are added to it.

But when time is managing you, bend and wait for YOUR time to come, just hang on to the problem brother....

Time is managing me from past 2 and half years
What can be done. if i dont work somebody else will move up the Pyramid or the corporate ladder.

I am very bad in managing time.
At times i go to office at 10 A.M and come back at 11.30 PM.
Is there anything that can be done to stop this..say no and utilize the rest of the time in some other things???
[ October 19, 2006: Message edited by: Biren shah ]
18 years ago
Nice post
Thanks everybody , especially Mark for sharing his experience and wisdom.
18 years ago
I am new to java based freelancing work available on net.
I heard that a lot of work is available on php/mysql but java based freelancing is less .

What do i need to do apart from technical upgradation,and registering in some site, if i want to become a consultant for freelance projects ?

What kind of work is available?

What kind of projects are available?
what kind of technical improvement will i have due to them?
What are the sites or places where i can register and get freelance jobs.

And ofcourse
What is the kind of money per projects available?
i know some of the sites like or kasamba or rent-a-coder but get confused should i go for it or where to start from .

Any kind of help or experience regarding it would be highly appreciated.
18 years ago

We are looking at China now.

When the whole world is looking towards India i guess you need to rethink it.
Indians have got more into better organizational architecture as well as process architecture than 3 years ago.

I agree with the report.
But i do not agree with the interpretation.

only one in four engineering graduates to be employable. The rest were deficient in the required technical skills, fluency in English or ability to work in a team or deliver basic oral presentations.

Mark let me tell you ,many people viewing this post might think that only one in four are employable.


fluency in English


basic oral presentations

makes this count as big.

see the problem is not the logical or coding problems of indian engineers but the problem is communication,etiquettes and fluency in english problem.
India is basically a country of countries with about more than 20 languages and 1000's of dialects being spoken where English is not a primary language.

so obviosly there would be problems with fluency in English or oral presentations.

The problem has been identified and this problem also branches to another

Thats right.
Most of the big MNCS like TCS,Wipro,Satyam, etc etc give 3 months of extensive foreign language training ,technical training and soft skill traiing to employees.
For others working in small companies they acquire all that with experience.

This situation makes a market where good engineers can demand a lot of money.

Ya thats too.Someday that will affect the indian market as it will not be able to provide cheap softwares.
2.5 years back TCS would give 8k for entry level freshers and 4k were given in smaller companies.
Today 22k is given to entry level freshers.

I think this count may be a too much if its considered that 3 out of 4 are not employable.

Team work,Communication plays an important part in development.
But its not necessary that all development takes place in English.
We in our team talk in our local language only.
Only our marketing persons and CEO talks to the clients and negotiate and they know english.
Out of 300 employee staff of my company if 250 are not able to speak in english or make oral presentation then that does not mean that we are logicall ill or are not employable.

But ofcourse if need to work on onsite project, dealing with foreign clients may be a problem.
But still not everybody in the team talks directly to the clients.
And English course can teach the language in 3 months.
yes ofcourse ability to work in team or techinical problems are a thing of concern.

[Can things like this published so as can malign the India Growth Story.

I am sure it will be out of topic here but the same thing is said about h1 person in america that they are sub-standard and cheap labour.
But i dont know how Indra nooyi became the world wide president of pepsico america ?
Am i too emotional on this issue?

because i dont know since when the inability to speak english make someone not employable
[ October 18, 2006: Message edited by: Biren shah ]
18 years ago
Domain: Unified Thread Management Solution (called as UTM Domain). My company is no. 1 in UTM in india.

Job profile: All in one Army. Designing applications, Tracking how new code does not create mess in existing modules,Writing Codes and code review of others. Giving JAVA training to new developers,Communicating with QA , Communicating with Technical Writers,Communicating with Support.

Technologies : JAVA,J2EE related ,Netfilters IPtables,Shell SCripting,Eclipse
Process: Just get the requirement and code.

Work Pressure: Is Such as makes me feel that is should go in salvation. impossible deadlines.

Current interest: : EJB 3.0,JSF

Certifications : SCJP,SCWCD.also interested ni giving scbcd
18 years ago
Guys i think you forget Gandhinagar in Gujarat the capital of gujarat and sister city of Ahmedabad.

Gandhinagar is going to be the fastest emerging IT marget in near future with 3 SEZ for IT and 2 IT Parks.

Gandhinagar is the greenest capital in world is designed as such traffic of 50 lakhs to 1 crore people can live and commute. where as current population is not even 3-4 lakhs.

The only Cons for Gandhinagar is that it does not have alchol permission as in rest of gujarat.

But is available unofficially.

TCS is expanding is existing capacity to 2000 from 800 and cybage is expected to start its working in 1st week november with initial capacity of around 400-800.
Other big IT giants are also eyeing it.

So do consider it , who knows withing 3-4 months you might be here in Gujarat !!!
18 years ago
Ya mark,
you are right,

I have seen lots of post this days asking regarding two-three companies which are all big MNC's of india.

Guys common if you cant decide which company you can join how can you succeed?

IN software field you should not take decisions depending upon companies but depending upoin the projects offered to you and the technology you going to work.

Let me point out guys this problem is regarding high man power shortage in india.

Companies have a JOB fair where by each candidate is offered 3-4 offers.
Also in Campus-recruitment people get 4-5 offers.

I would admit that a genuine post/query regarding an unknow company can be allowed but those asking to choose between two big MNC's like ACCENTURE and IBM are ridiculous
18 years ago
nice post, must admit,

I am also fed up with "need info regarding xxx company posts"

Anyways india rules in outsourcing thats because of cheap labour and high working people.

One main difference here is indians dont spend there earning on week-ends and work hard like "servants".
I too work for 13 hours atleast 10 days a month and 10-12 hours a day including weekends is normal.

So Do you expect i can do something innovative.
In my opinion NO.

We are all bonded labourers working hard so that we get good pay.
How many indians do participate in Open-Source???
Because nobody has time. All doing same work again and again for different companies and clients.

I think indians should come out of Out-Sourcing thing and build something innovative and then only india can survive on a long term base in this highly volatile technical market.

India's foreign Debt is around 25-40 Billion dollars.
Imagine somebody produces a software like Windows in india and become 100 billion dollar owner like bill gates and pays 30% income tax ???

anyways, one must understand that to race ahead in a fast pacing technical world innovations are necessary.
18 years ago

can you please tell the time required to prepare
and also how much experience do you have?
18 years ago