Yogesh Mhatre

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since Feb 15, 2001
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Recent posts by Yogesh Mhatre

When you get a LockTimedOutException while invoking a stateful session EJB, one of two things has occurred:

You have <allow-concurrent-calls> set to true in your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor and your call timed out while waiting to be processed. The timeout used in this case is the value <trans-timeout-seconds> element of the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor or its default value of 30 seconds.

You have <allow-concurrent-calls> set false and you attempt to invoke a stateful session bean that is already busy processing another request. In this case, the second method call will not block and a LockTimedOutException will be thrown immediately
20 years ago
Hi Rajesh,
Yep i too cleared the exam today with 67%. I will write to u back tommorow in detail.Thnx for ur help.
23 years ago
Thnx Rajesh for ur explanation and all the best for your future.
I am gonna give the exam on this friday any handy tips you will like to share with me.Are there any more survey questions asked
apart from the exam questions which eat up the exam time.
23 years ago
Hi Rajesh,
Congrats Rajesh for the wondeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrfull score.I am too gonna give the exam in this week.I did not understand ur statement
"Today morning, I was looking for some help regarding "Java privacy statement". I was not sure what it was. I got the reply from Cindy but I could read it only after I took the exam. "

can u pls let me what u meant by this.

[This message has been edited by yogesh mhatre (edited March 19, 2001).]
23 years ago
Hello everybody,
I got this code from some mock exam cant remeber the name
Code -->
class q20
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Hello World!");
q20 qq = new q20();
void callme(double d, float f, long i){
void callme(float ff, double dd , long ll){
void callme(int ff, int dd , int ll){
After compilation-->
q20.java:7: Reference to callme is ambiguous.
It is defined in void callme(double, float, long)
and void callme(float, double, long).
Can anyon explain me why is the problem
But my previous question still remains unanswered can anyone exaplin me why it gave compile time error message(Refer to the code in my first posting above)
Reference to callme is ambiguous.
It is defined in void callme(double, float, long)
and void callme(float, double, long).
from velumurgans notes
widening coversion acepted,narrowing conversions rejected then how come
a 64 bit long fit's in a 32-bit float variable.
long ll = 64;
Float ff = ll; // legal???
Code -->
class q20
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Hello World!");
q20 qq = new q20();
void callme(double d, float f, long i){
void callme(float ff, double dd , long ll){
void callme(int ff, int dd , int ll){
After compilation-->
q20.java:7: Reference to callme is ambiguous.
It is defined in void callme(double, float, long)
and void callme(float, double, long).
Question -->
According to me the o/p should have been "Two"
in velumurgans notes it is mentioned that top level inner class cannot
have implicit reference to the outer class but in the code below i can
make a reference to the outer class pls explain
class outer
static int u = 200;
int k = 200;
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("Hello World!");
new inner();
static class inner {
final static int i = 300;
Came across an intresting question in some mock can anybody pls explain the ans.
According to me it should be menu
Which cannot be added to a Container?
an Applet
hi Ajit,
thnx for ur qiuck reply but i am not still very clear abt ur explanation.In fact i am using a DOM parser to retrive data from the generated XML file, which lifts the data frm the database .I genarate the xml file once but the data in the database may be modified periodically can u uggest any way to syncronize the xml with the database and how frequently to do it.
First of all i would like to know wether the approach i am using is right.
Sorry for the random arrangement of the questions pls bear with me
Hello everybody,
In our project we access the database(Oracle) and generate a XML fileat the server end comprising of all tables and coloumns in the databse. Hence forth when the data is accessed and queried the XML file will be contacted instead of database which eats lot of time in connection establishment etc...
The site can be accessed by multiple users and the database can be updated frequntly.There lies the problem we are not sure how/when to update the xml file so as to provide the users with the most updated data.
Hi shirini,
I think u should keep yourself cool and be confident during the exam.Try to revise whatever u have done so far instead of doing trying out new things.All the best.
hi gang,
i too frm mumbai planning to give certification somewhere in march.It will be really very nice to be in touch with each other
before actually taking up the exam.U can mail me at
[email protected]
huiying li,
very good explanation, found it very useful
hi Cindy
when u say tht----
"for a local variable, when the method completes, the stack for that method is discarded. The garbage collector does not do this. The variable will be discarded whenever the variable goes out of scope.-------
do you mean tht the local variables like the String literals on the String pool are never garbage collected
[This message has been edited by yogesh mhatre (edited February 21, 2001).]