Sunyaluk Boonmas

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since Apr 18, 2005
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Recent posts by Sunyaluk Boonmas

19 years ago
Congratulation to you...

19 years ago
Congratulation to you

19 years ago
Thank you very much Sanju Thomas

[ April 29, 2005: Message edited by: Sunyaluk Boonmas ]
19 years ago
Thank you very much to everybody.I am very happy with my score.
In the real exam I found the most of Question look like the question in the javaranch board.Thank you very much for the excellent community.

Special thank to

Sun Certified Programmer & Developer for Java 2 Study Guide
(Exam 310-035 & 310-027)
Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates

It is the best book I have found.
19 years ago
In my opinion. Can we say all of the variable is the local variable and object instatiate on the method.

So after method return. All of them will not accessible again and eligible for GC.

Is I am right about the local variable.

[ April 26, 2005: Message edited by: Sunyaluk Boonmas ]
The answer is so clear.

This is the sample of pass by reference problem.

This problem look like this

This explanation very clear, I think.

And this flash playing is interesting.I think it is very good to show how it work.

This it main url.

Hope it useful for you.
This explanation very clear, I think.

And this flash playing is interesting.I think it is very good to show how it work.

This it main url.

Hope it useful for you.

However if I am wrong in any point please tell me.

I will exam next week.

It has many of answer.

Uhm everybody has own reason.

If it possible please tell me where is this question come from?

I want to know what is the answer from the author.
I am confuse in answer.

Thank you so much.
I revise a little in your code here.

This is the sample of the variable that refer to the sam object.So,change one will effect one.It like pass by reference,but not.

Pass by reference in my understand is the Object that pass to argument.The argument variable will keep the copy of reference(same refer as the original variable).So, if you change the attribute of the object thatpass to method.It will effect to the original variable that keep this referenvce too.And I can explain like this code.

If I miss please comment me.

Thank you.
[ April 22, 2005: Message edited by: Sunyaluk Boonmas ]
I am trying about Thread.

I think Thrread is the most difficult in SCJP test.

This section make me worry. About K&B book they do not explain in the deep or more detail about Thread method ie. yield, sleep, wait, notify.

For more understand I want the code that demo yield, sleep, wait, notify run. after, I test Mock Exam I think I should learn more about Thread method.

Some question ask about how to use them.I am sure, the real code will be the best explanation to understand how Thread work.

Help me please if you have the sample code about Thread method.

Thank you.