al butler

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since Feb 16, 2001
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Recent posts by al butler

subject says it all.
can JS do a spinner?
A spinner is a control with up/down arrows which changes
a text field.
thank you al

i got it.
it's bizarre stuff that's for sure.
in a nutshell....when you fire the submit button it
took a different shape as to what "form" i was using
and trying to change the values for the post to work.
When using the onLoad="", it was not working even though
i referenced the this.form as i did for the submit.
So what i had to do....
create a dummy form
<form </form>
remove the button since i don't need it.
add this for the onload
<body ONLOAD="postinterfaces(document.forms[0])"></body>
and my jscript function looks like this:
function postinterfaces(form)
note a few things.
i had to combine the "?command=list" text for the onLoad.
However for the submit button i could use :
for onLoad it was null.
may have not got the correct syntax either.
but I'm there!

still need help.
this is under IE 5.5....right now don't care about NS4+.
Anyone got code on how to issues a POST method, with params
using JScript.
thansks la

i am struggling with how to issue a submit,method=post type
command WITHOUT a button. I can't seem to get an onload
type invocation.
If i place a button on the form and press it, the servlet is
called correctly.
If i try an onLoad call it does not work.
What would someone do....would you create a hidden button
and then issue a is a network command
issued WITHOUT the use of buttons?
sample code:
<script language="javascript">
function postinterfaces(form)
// this works when pressing button. form.submit()
function pressButton(form) {
<form >
<p><input type="SUBMIT" name="SupList" value="SMUCK" onClick="postinterfaces(this.form)"></p>
//onload won't work
<body bgcolor="#FFFFBB" onload="pressButton(this.form)">

thank you al

Well thanks for the replies but I've already done all of the
My point was to use the Xalan API to point to a XML file and
read it's contents line by line and NOT have a SAX call back
or store it in a DOM memory. I thought that the API would
allow this.
I guess what I'm really looking at is this.
My XSL files send data back in HTML form based on a XML. These
2 files are set up in the Xalan parser API and it works just fine.
By I wanted to somehow simulate that my client is a WAP device
and take the parsed data set up by the XSL and then have my
SERVLET modify the contents of the PARSED data and return it as
WAP material and NOT HTML. I suppose I could just copy the XSL
file and change the HTML tags to WAP tags and make the XSL do
Am I on the right path? Do people "just" copy the XSL file and
modify the HTML to other type output devices and then have
thr servlet switch files on the fly?
Any thoughts?
Regards Al