Patrick Mallahan

Ranch Hand
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since Apr 22, 2005
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Recent posts by Patrick Mallahan

Okay, I have two seperate apps running on the same Tomcat Server. I need to be able to get a variable from the previous jsp and verify it in an if statement in the second jsp. Here is what I have so far, but I am getting an error:




for some reason it is not working. If you notice user ID hase to be less than 3 to access the second jsp, this is just a temp fix until I can get the second project to interact with the user database.
19 years ago
how can I compare two dates one being a java.sql.Date and the other being a Calendar? I need to do a while date1<=date2.
19 years ago
so i understand how to add to a greg cal but how to i convert it back to a sql.Date?
19 years ago
i hoping nobody would say that but oh well, I guess that is the only way. Is that the case?
19 years ago
How would I go about incrementing days with java.sql.Date? I need to increse an sql.Date by 7 but I dont know how to add to an sql.Date. Can someone help me please?
19 years ago
I want to generate two different types of HTML based on a drop down that was selected from a previous page. So basically like:

that entire code would go in the JSP somewhere, I just dont know the syntax needed to print it out in the JSP. I know <%=variable %> prints a var but how do i print one using those test conditions?
19 years ago
future reference than, because this may actully help me a lot. How do I change the values in drop down 2 based on dropdown one without reloading the page?
but what if somone wanted multiple >2 drop downs?
Probably JavaScript since the data is going to be the same in the drop down lists. I just need an onClick event on a link that creates a similar drop down list.
If i want a user to be able to add another drop down box by clicking a button how would I do this?
[ July 19, 2005: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
i am trying to compare two objects from seperate methods.
19 years ago
I am trying to do:

but it keeps giving me the error:

can you not pull a string from a vector and put it into another string?
19 years ago
wow, it works so good, and its not even difficult to set up, thanks all.
19 years ago
thanks guys, i will try that
19 years ago