Tom P

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since May 06, 2000
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And after two years I even remembered my password!!!
22 years ago
The ResultSet isn't pointing to a row when it is created. You have to do a to get the first row. The will return false if there are no more rows to get. So if nothing is returned, the first will return false.
The other thing you could do is have a file in the directory that the class is running from that has the actual name of the file you are interested in. That way if the file name changes, you can just change the instruction file. Since the file will be in the same directory as the class you won't need any path or volume info to get that file.
24 years ago
This is definitely a security issue. I have noticed IE5 doesn't like to let applets do anything back to the server unless they are certified.
24 years ago
In that case I would not use menus. Have you thought about using the menuing technique seen at many web sites?
24 years ago
A first time user won't have a cookie!
24 years ago
The main() method is not called because of its position in the class. Let me repeat that The main() method is not called because of its position in the class.
The main() method is always called first in an application no matter where it is located in the java class. We are not writing a procedural language program. The program does not start executing at the top and work its way down.
In order to run a class as a stand-alone program, it must have a main() method. A class that is not run as a stand-alone program has no need for a main() method. These classes would have a method invoked by other classes. Applets also do not need a main() method.
24 years ago
How about having the applet generate a frame and stick the menu in the frame?
24 years ago
Banner ads are charged at cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM). Targeted campaigns can go for $15 CPM or more.
24 years ago
I don't think you are getting this at all. The finalize() method is only needed when an object has to do something before it is garbage collected. It is not required. As you say, if an object has a finalize() method then it will be run before garbage collection. If it doesn't then the object is simply garbage collected.
With this number of hits you may want to add banner ads to the site to pay for it. Now with hits do you mean hits or page views as there is a big difference? Either way the site could probably generate a profit with banner ads. See
24 years ago
Are you sure it wasn't this:

That will not compile.
What I'm actually looking for is real use in real production system. Does anyone have that kind of experience with Python?
24 years ago
The * in java.awt.* does not mean give me everything in that directory and all directories below it. It means give me all the classes in that directory. If you need the classes from the event directory then you must specify java.awt.event.*. Remember that you are importing a package. The event classes are not in the package called java.awt, they are in the package named java.awt.event.
[This message has been edited by Tom P (edited May 27, 2000).]
24 years ago
Use swing.
24 years ago