Rajendra Vittal

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since Apr 25, 2005
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Christophe Verré wrote:Congratulations

Among the books you have listed in your blog, which one do you think are must reads ?

Hi Christophe,

All books are worth reading. Especially Design Pattern books. The authors of these books have excellent experience in their respective field. They worked over long period and came up with design patterns. For the basic design patterns GoF book enough. But you can read Head First Design design patterns for better understanding.

15 years ago
Hi All, I have taken SCEA5 part1 exam today and passed with passing score . I have described my preparation in my blog entry. Could you please let me know procedure for part II and Part III exam?
15 years ago
Hi Shonak,

When there is no transaction (such as methods annotated with TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED)) there won't be any PersistenceContext associated with the transaction, so every time find method returns a new entity instance for the same primary key. If you invoke em.find() method in a method where transaction is active then always find returns same entity instance for the same primary key.

I understood one thing with EJB3.0-"Too much simplicity(easiness) also confuses the users". Here with transaction-scoped PersistnaceContext, container takes care of everything so user is unaware of what is happening.

I suggest you to read Chapter5 Pro EJB3 by Mike Keith and Merrick Schincariol. They have given best explanation which you don't find in other books.
Hi All,
I have given clear description of preparation in my blog entry

I hope it helps you.
16 years ago
Hi all,
This is Rajendra Vittal G.I 've completed SCJP 1.5 certification with 88%. I read K&B book three times,4th to 12th chapter of JLS and 15th chapter of JLS.Ofcourse its not required to read JLS, It gives you full confidence.I did lot of 'what happens if I code like this' and noted each and every point. I did 6 whizlabs mock exams and two exams that comes with K&B book. whizlab exams are also very useful.They will give you feel for the exam. I took one month to prepare for the exam.Finally, you should have patience extra effort apart from your everyday regular duty.

All the Best for all who take it serious to get a good score in this exam.
Rajendra Vittal G.
17 years ago