Ronald Wouters

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since Apr 28, 2005
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Recent posts by Ronald Wouters

Hi in the summary of this chapter it says :

For the exam, you should be familiar with five JDBC interfaces: Driver, Connection, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, and ResultSet.

I think the first interface should be DriverManager instead of just Driver.
Oops, forget I asked,
All the examples use the DriverManager class.  The Driver interface itself is seldom mentioned. My mistake...

Ronald Wouters
In the first example of "Controlling Data with Transactions" there is the following :

As you can see on line 25 a call to rs.getInt is done without first checking if on line 24 returns true or false !
A few pages before this example it is explicitely mentioned that :

To sum up this section, it is important to remember the following:

  • Always use an if statement or while loop when calling

  • Maybe the example in "Controlling data with Transactions" will work as expected but it does NOT follow the recommendations mentioned just a few pages earlier in the book.
    So, maybe this example code could be adapted to do something like this :

    Ronald Wouters
    Hi Sam, welcome to the ranch.

    From the table of contents on Amazon, I saw that in your book you talk about building domain expertise.
    Personally I have been in the IT business now for over twenty years and am currently employed as an SCJD/SCEA. Over the years I have found that indeed to make a "good" implementation, even as a developer and certainly as an architect, it sure helps to build up some domain expertise of the project one is working on.
    I love the technological part of my job a lot. That is why I find it difficult sometimes to "walk the fine line" between staying a "tech guy" and becoming a "business analyst". I sometimes even feel almost sorry for those "poor guys" who don't get to get their hands dirty anymore on all the exciting stuff that is going on in the Jave EE world.
    Did you have that experience also ? What would for you be "the" argument to "switch over to the other side", in either direction, tech or bussiness ?

    Ronald Wouters

    14 years ago
    Hi Mark and Humphrey,

    I was able to read part of the ebook version on OReilly and specifically the Discussion on Architecture Decomposition.
    It feels to me like the discussion of tiers, layers and service level requirements is heavily based on "The Sun 3-D Architectural Framework", more specifically the SunTone "Cube".

    Could you tell me if the SunTone Architecture Methodology is still used in some form or other by Sun itself. Are there any plans to (re-)introduce this ? Maybe at Oracle ?


    From my understanding, you would want to display on your component diagram only these components that are relevant to your application.

    That was indeed the case for me. The managed beans were "relevant" because, to give just one reason, they made the "connection" with the EJB part of my solution. The "managed" is there for a reason. I felt that, certainly from an architectural point of view, it therefor made sense to show the JSF managed beans in the component diagram.

    Ronald Wouters

    Kengkaj Sathianpantarit wrote:
    Correct, EJB 3 and EJB 2 can be working together in EJB 3 container.

    This of course implies that the client you are working for is willing to upgrade their production environment to host an appserver that implements an EJB 3 compliant container.
    But you are correct of course.


    Well done

    Join the ranks of the certified, Sun or Oracle, who cares
    15 years ago
    In my assignment it said

    Examples of components are EJB, servlets, JSP, major POJO, and important Managers, Controllers...

    When talking about "interfaces" in component diagrams, you should not interpret the word "interface" only in the strict sense of a Java language interface definition. Things like, "SQL", "HTTP", "JSF EL", "JDBC", "Reflection API" can all be considered to be the "interface" between "components". A jsf backing bean can be considered an "important controller" (if it fullfils the same role as a controller servlet say) and therefore qualifies as a "component" to be shown on the component diagram. In case there is no interface available, in the strict java language sense of the word, consider another, possibly "higher level" interface as I mentioned above.


    Jose Luis Iturbide wrote:

    I think this was your same situation, Did you received a confirmation?
    Does it means I have passed?

    Yes, it means you have passed. Check out the following link (step 2 of the assignment):
    In the “Scale of the Assignment” section it says :

    Candidates who pass the assignment will receive NO comments, only a passing score. Failing assignments will receive only basic notification of the section failed with no details.

    Here is another part of a reply mail I got from Sun when asking about my zero score :

    A scoring breakdown is provided in the assignment documentation to show how heavily each section of your assignment is weighted during the assessment process. The assignment documentation does not provide clear details regarding how you will receive your score because the assignments were written before exact score reporting procedures for the SCEA 5 were determined by the Sun Certification management team.

    So, in short, you have passed, Congratulations

    I know, I also find it very frustrating not getting a breakdown of the score for the different diagrams. You never know what your weak points were that way. But hey, I am not complaining about it (anymore )

    Even when using png the size of my jar was too big.
    I used IrfanView to do a "convert to grayscale" on the png color images. That reduced the size of my jar almost by half.
    The total size of my upload jar was about 700KB.


    Jonathan Aotearoa wrote:If you really need an introduction to patterns you'd be better off finding a good book on OOA&D and getting up to speed with GRASP, which are the real building blocks when it comes to patterns in any OO language.

    I totally agree. I have the following book always very near to me while working :
    Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development (3rd Edition) (Hardcover)

    Congratulations. Well done. I know how tough it is.

    I am thinking about putting a frame around my certificate.
    Anybody thinking about hanging it up on a wall somewhere for all to see ?

    15 years ago
    My assignment was a pdf of about 200 KB.

    In my solution I used the inventory system for validating a request and when scheduling work for a bid.
    Read the related use cases again, and again, and again, and another million times like I did and you will understand.
    Think about what "inventory" and "predicting demand" really means especially when related to a request for parts...


    Ravaj seth wrote:No, not at method signature level. The sequence diagram was only depicting the sequence flow of the activity irrespective of the class methods.

    I guess that means it depends on the assignment itself then. In my assignment (dreamcar) it was mentioned that the public methods shown in interaction/sequence diagrams should also be present on the class diagram. This of course implies that the sequence diagrams at least may go to method level (name).

    15 years ago