For the exam, you should be familiar with five JDBC interfaces: Driver, Connection, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, and ResultSet.
To sum up this section, it is important to remember the following:
Always use an if statement or while loop when calling
From my understanding, you would want to display on your component diagram only these components that are relevant to your application.
Kengkaj Sathianpantarit wrote:
Correct, EJB 3 and EJB 2 can be working together in EJB 3 container.
Examples of components are EJB, servlets, JSP, major POJO, and important Managers, Controllers...
Jose Luis Iturbide wrote:
I think this was your same situation, Did you received a confirmation?
Does it means I have passed?
Candidates who pass the assignment will receive NO comments, only a passing score. Failing assignments will receive only basic notification of the section failed with no details.
A scoring breakdown is provided in the assignment documentation to show how heavily each section of your assignment is weighted during the assessment process. The assignment documentation does not provide clear details regarding how you will receive your score because the assignments were written before exact score reporting procedures for the SCEA 5 were determined by the Sun Certification management team.
Jonathan Aotearoa wrote:If you really need an introduction to patterns you'd be better off finding a good book on OOA&D and getting up to speed with GRASP, which are the real building blocks when it comes to patterns in any OO language.
Ravaj seth wrote:No, not at method signature level. The sequence diagram was only depicting the sequence flow of the activity irrespective of the class methods.