Pad Ven

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since Apr 29, 2005
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Hi all,

I am unable to execute the following command"
java -jar ~/.m2/repository/org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar -m ensurepip

I get the following stack trace. Can anyone please guide me as to what is the issue and how to solve it?

   Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/Users/***/.m2/repository/org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar/Lib/", line 161, in _run_module_as_main
 File "/Users/***/.m2/repository/org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar/Lib/", line 72, in _run_code
 File "/Users/***/.m2/repository/org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar/Lib/ensurepip/", line 4, in <module>
 File "/Users/***/.m2/repository/org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar/Lib/ensurepip/", line 220, in _main
 File "/Users/***/.m2/repository/org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar/Lib/ensurepip/", line 123, in bootstrap
 File "/Users/***/.m2/repository/org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar/Lib/ensurepip/", line 45, in _run_pip
 File "/var/folders/96/llwnx0n57vd17gtfyw124z500000gq/T/tmpARwn47/pip-1.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pip/", line 10, in <module>
 File "/var/folders/96/llwnx0n57vd17gtfyw124z500000gq/T/tmpARwn47/pip-1.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pip/", line 13, in <module>
 File "/var/folders/96/llwnx0n57vd17gtfyw124z500000gq/T/tmpARwn47/pip-1.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pip/backwardcompat/", line 115, in <module>
 File "/Users/***/.m2/repository/org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar/Lib/distutils/", line 28, in <module>
 File "/Users/***/.m2/repository/org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar/Lib/", line 367, in realpath
 File "/Users/***/.m2/repository/org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar/Lib/", line 373, in _joinrealpath
 File "/Users/***/.m2/repository/org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar/Lib/", line 61, in isabs
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'

Thanks and regards,

Tried searching for this specific error and got [url]this post[] as the first search result but it didn't really helpe me.
10 months ago

What can be considered a criterion for best paymaster as per Chennai standards? Will a formula like 1.5 * years of exp. be a base minimum? What would be maximum? What about min and max for Bangalore - will 2*yrs of exp. be minimum in Bangalore? Can anyone share the current paymasters in Chennai and Bangalore?


11 years ago
Hi Abhimaran,
Thank you for the clarification. I was looking at this errata page but could not locate it. Can you point out where it is or am I looking at some old version of the errata

Head First Book Chapter 6 mock questions Question No. 7 (page 274 - if you search from PDF, it shows me as page 271). The question is to select "true" statements and the following is mentioned as true statement:

Attributes bound into a session are available to any other servlet that belongs to the same ServletContext

Can somebody help me understand how this could be true? Isn't any attribute bound to a session available to the only servlets that are accessed in the same session? How could it be available to all servlets in the web app (refer the phrase - same ServletContext? The answer mentions this as true statement.

Thanks and regards,
TV Padmanabhan
Hi Pedro,
Thank you once again for the clarification. I found it informative and useful.
Hi Pedro,
That article was interesting. But does that mean Spring is going to lose favor in the industry given that it is now very popular? Will learningSpring (and probably thinking of getting certified by SpringSource) be not that much worth it anymore?

Hi Christophe ,
Thank you very much for the explanation. Basically I was confused whether to take the exam or not. Your explanation motivates to take this exam.

TV Padmanabhan
Hi all,
Can the experts in the forum kindly help me understand whether the SCWCD exam is still useful these days when most of the web UI design is heading towards the popular frameworks? How much value does this certification have in industry now as opposed to say a few years back? Is it still worthwhile to put in all the hard work and take this exam when there are better web component tools in the industry?

Thanks and regards,
Padmanabhan V
Hi Arul,
Thank you very much for your reply. I had a look at the URL you sent me and it was very informative.

14 years ago
Hi all.
I am Pad and I am new to this forum and I need some guidance regarding a job change I wish to make. I am currently working as a software developer in a product development company in Telecom domain. I have 8+ years of experience. I have got an offer from a company that is into consulting model. I have been averse to consulting model till now, but given a wish to change job as soon as possible, I am forced to think about this switch. I wish to get some guidance from this forum about the following (by the way, the salary is pretty good, although I focus on all aspects before a job change, especially because I have made 3 job hops during my 8+ years career):

1. Is switching from product development background to consulting model something that I need to think again? Will I be able to switch back to product development model later, if needed, without much difficulty?

2. This new company does not depend on hierarchies. So I may join as an "Application developer" and continued to be called the same even after say 12 or 13 years. Though this company may have sound reasons to have such policy, will it be a disadvantage to me in the industry if I am interested in professional growth as well (managerial ladder etc.)? Will I be perceived in the industry as someone who hasn't had professional growth as much as I should have?

Thanks and regards,

14 years ago
Hi all,
Can anyone let me know if there is any way to use the SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException (Java 5 onwards I think) to find out if "unique constraint" (or) "referential integrity constraint i.e. parent key not found" has happened? I have done this in Oracle specific manner and it works but I wish to know if there is a vendor neutral way. I am not using Spring and cannot add support for it in my current application otherwise I could try something like what is mentioned in this URL SpringSource.

I used the SQL error code returned by Oracle (1 for unique constraint, 2291 for referential integrity) because though vendor neutral, the SQL state eems to return 23000 for both types.

Expecting some help from anyone who has succeeded doing it (as that would be cleaner code that writing vendor-specific),

TV Padmanabhan
I m using Struts 2 only (anyway how to verify it?). Can somebody please help me on what is the problem? Also how can we attach documents generally in Javaranch posts (I am not seeing any attach option or button), so that I can attach my entire WAR?

Thanks and regards,
TV Padmanabhan
16 years ago
I am getting either "Cannot find message resources under key org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE" sometimes or "Missing message for key strutsApp.title". Everything seems to be OK, but I am not able to understand the reason. How do I attach files in this post?

TV Padmanabhan

The "" is in "WEB-INF\classes\firstStrutsApp" directory.

16 years ago
I am getting either "Cannot find message resources under key org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE" sometimes or "Missing message for key strutsApp.title". Everything seems to be OK, but I am not able to understand the reason. How do I attach files in this post?

TV Padmanabhan

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.2//EN"

<form-bean name="ContactsActionForm"
<form-bean name="ContactsSearchActionForm"
<forward name="success"
<forward name="searchResults"
<action path="/ContactsStoreAction"
<forward name="success"
<action path="/ContactsSearchAction"
<forward name="searchResults"
<message-resources parameter="<b>firstStrutsApp.ApplicationResources</b>"/>

<b>The "" is in "WEB-INF\classes\firstStrutsApp" directory.</b>


<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-html" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-bean" prefix="bean" %>

<bean:message key="<b>strutsApp.title</b>"/>
<h1><bean:message key="strutsApp.heading"/></h1>
<html:form action="" focus="contactName">
<bean:message key="strutsApp.contactName"/>
<html:text property="contactName" size="20"/>
<html:errors property="contactName"/>
<bean:message key="strutsApp.contactNumber"/>
<html:text property="contactNumber" size="20"/>
<html:errors property="contactNumber"/>
<bean:message key="strutsApp.contactCountry"/>
<html:text property="contactCountry" size="20"/>
<html:errors property="contactCountry"/>
<bean:message key="strutsApp.submit"/>
<bean:message key="strutsApp.reset"/>

[ December 30, 2008: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
16 years ago
Hi all,
I am using Castor 1.0. How to set XML validation in Castor 1.0 through program? Unmarshaller.setValidation does not work - probably because I did not give path to schema in program, but I have given it within the XML, how to specify in program> If "" needs to be created (it was not there already), where must it be created and how to refer to it?

I am using the following binding file:

and the following Jaava file:

but the array items are not set for some reason I am not able to figure out. Can someone help?

Thanks and regards,