sai prasanna

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since May 02, 2005
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Recent posts by sai prasanna

Hi All,

We are getting the exception as unable to import javax.servlet.*;
as well as unable to compile the jsp class in my eclipse editor.

And a blank jsp page has been displayed without data.

Need help on this.

Thanks and Regards,
Hi All,

what is meant by, and where we can find these Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found

[5/17/07 20:15:25:407 IST] 719e719e WebContainer W SRVE0017W: Web Group not found: default_host/opstop
[5/17/07 20:15:25:407 IST] 719e719e OSEListenerDi E PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web group default_host/opstop has not been defined

Thanks in advance,
17 years ago
Hi All,

i configured Websphere through myeclipse IDE and while i start the server it is throwing the following error in SystemOut.log file, so that the .war file is not been deployed.

[5/17/07 20:37:27:247 IST] 77aa77aa WebContainer W SRVE0017W: Web Group not found: default_host/opstop
[5/17/07 20:37:27:247 IST] 77aa77aa OSEListenerDi E PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web group default_host/opstop has not been defined

Needed Help

Thanks in Advance,
17 years ago
Hi all,

When i start the websphere server from myeclipse
Iam getting the following error in SystemErr.log
[5/17/07 20:37:27:247 IST] 77aa77aa WebContainer W SRVE0017W: Web Group not found: default_host/opstop
[5/17/07 20:37:27:247 IST] 77aa77aa OSEListenerDi E PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web group default_host/opstop has not been defined

Needed Help

Thanks and Regards,
Thanks vijay
But when i click on deploy icon, iam not seeing any change i.e any window.
Hi all,

Installed myeclipse 5.0 GA
installed websphere 5.1 and deployed the .ear file through admin console and iam able to access the project but there is a problem when i start the websphere from myeclipse.
It is stopping the project and iam not able to access the project from myeclipse web browser and also from outside webbrowser

following are the steps followed for configuration of websphere in myeclipse

Window->Preferences->MyEclipse->Application Server on the left panel
�Enabled� Websphere server. Filled Websphere Home Directory, <machine_ name> in the Host Name column and Checked �Is Websphere Version 5.1?�

Expanded �Websphere 5� option in the left panel. Filled in JRE home directory by browsing the Java directory under Websphere home directory.

can anybody please help how to configure and deploy .war file

Thanks and Regards,
Hi all,

How to read an xml file and write to an xml file using DOM parser. My xml file is as below i should read <CUSTOMERS> into one xml file and </USERS> into another xml file along with tags.


Iam new to xml, anybody please help
Thanks In Advance,
Hi All,
i have UI like(its in format of table)

Description client code Address sheet name graphlink
aaaa code 1 bangalore Click1(button)
abcd code 2 Hyd. Click2(button)

there is button on last on click of this button there is two function

1 it will open a new html page will put whatever the values are there in client code in session

i know setting a variable in session, but on click event i m confused and everytime on click it has to set the that client code which is in row(code1 for click1, code2 for click2) can anybody suggest javascript for this.

Thanks and Regards,
hi all,

new to unix need url or tutorial to start up

thanks in advance
18 years ago
but the values are in different format as follows then also should i write my own comparator

BS EN 60704-1:1995

BS 1016-104.4:1998, ISO 1171:1997

BS 2782-3:Method 323B:1996, ISO 6721-5:1996

thanks in advance
18 years ago
hi all,

I had a small query regarding the following

When sorting the following values by .sort() it is not displaying the values in ascending order i.e
it is taking 10 as 1 and displaying 10 first rather than 2

s1[0]="BS EN 60704-2-10:2002";
s1[1]="BS EN 60704-2-2:2003";

Thanks in Advance
18 years ago
xml is for describing data. what is meant by describing data need an example.
thanks in advance