Kay Ra

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Totally Disagrre about it not being usefull.
As it has been iterated in the previous replies, it is about your problem solving skill, that can be applied to any technology. How to architect a solution. An architect does not say I can design only if it is EJB3 and under these circumstance ....
If you are any way new to this.
Start at the begining, No point in cramming the simulators just yet.
Just getting the Architect title means squat, Carrying the big picture forward is what will propell one.
1.If familiar with design patterns ,then look at UML go to ejb.
Design patterns based on where you are interest is either Head first or GOf. Then go to ejb. Then read the Cade book. This will build thh whole picture tie in various topics. Then one is ready to go to simulators and start practising.
The point is simulators are good. But for a novice the whole picture has to be build, where everything sits and how to think.
About timing, this whole process is not about how fast one is ready for the exam. This approach makes makes the timing for part1 longer, but part 2 will be a breeze effectively cutting the total time for SCEA. One comes out very strong in basics.
About simutaor, currently epractise because of 50% off seems to be more viable and it seems to cover part1-2-3. Whizlabs also was told is good but but topics are more difficult than real exam.

[ August 21, 2006: Message edited by: Kay Ra ]
If you understand your patterns, it is very easy to match them in to their categories. I would recomment using mock questions to uderstand the subject.
I have read head first ejb's and other EJB 2.0 books, but now since we need to review ejb 1.1 for the part 1 exam what is the best way to get hold of an ejb 1.1 book, book stores also don't seem to have this old version.
or is there an article I can read about differences which would be sufficient.

Highly appreciate your sharing this info
I would analyse this problem as follows.

1. customer and sale items can be represented as Entity Beans and there by CMP.
2. Besides this we have the auction business logic. How are we going to
implemnet this

For Business logic since I would use sessions, so statefull session bean though not as scalable as stateless I would use it.
So I choose B.
Now for the Business logic, which is basically the auction process. Definitely we would need some transaction management.
Since we are asked to make this [choices C or D], we have to pick what is best suited. And in this case definitely bean managed transaction, will be faster and finer control.

Then finally can implement the customer and sale as entitys and then we can use container managed persistence.

-Do know what aspect you wanted us to comment on, but I would explore every answer and see where we can apply it and or if there is a betterc choice, that way you are covering all your bases.

may be you would like to share preparation tips
As to your question on uml certification.
Been around in the industry for a while now. Most palces looked only for good UML handle for Architects basically to convey ideas. Do not recall companies adding too much imporatnce to UML certification,

[ June 01, 2006: Message edited by: Kay Ra ]
Short answer

abstraction-- essential features or jist of the system
Information hiding-- Not exposing certain aspects.
Encapsulation--- presenting an object in a compact manner with its behavior and structure tied together.
[ May 19, 2006: Message edited by: Kay Ra ]
My choice would be go for EJB

pros : proven solution. Many resources to troubleshoot issues.
cons : specification varies, secondly there is a shift in thinking that it is too cumbresome and difficult to write.

The reason that I would pick EJB is that
1. It is a trading system. There are going to be ziillions of isssues,
response time has to be almost immediate. So project should be in a technology that you are very well versed in.
2.There always will be growth in this kind of system. Scalability will be of paramount importance. Usualy one system can be used for other parallel systems. So choose something that you can defend and support in extremely short notice.
I would stick to core J2ee designs
JSP/ Servlet For presentation -- Here I may chose 3rd party depending on comfortability
EJB for Business layer
JMS or MOM for Integration layer
Jeff very gratefull to you, Now my concepts also have gotten clearer.

18 years ago
Thanks jeff for your input
This what I coded but am not sure if it is correct as in the difference I am not accurately getting the time portion

import java.util.Date;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.lang.Integer;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.text.DateFormat;

public class parseDate {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int givenDate = 2145916800; //1/1/2038
int givenTime = 86399; //11:59:59 PM

int totalTime = 2145916800 + 86399;

long totMilliSecs = totalTime *1000L;

System.out.println("befSet" + totMilliSecs);

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

long gottotMilliSecs = cal.getTimeInMillis();

System.out.println("aftSet" + gottotMilliSecs);

DateFormat df1 = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
Date dt = cal.getTime();
System.out.println("df1 bef making hour to zero " + df1.format(dt));


dt = cal.getTime();
System.out.println("df1 setting hour:mim:sec to zero " + df1.format(dt));
long SecgottotMilliSecs = cal.getTimeInMillis();
System.out.println("aftreset" + SecgottotMilliSecs);

System.out.println("diff now " + (gottotMilliSecs - SecgottotMilliSecs));

18 years ago

This line in my previous mail was cut pasted incorrectly should read as the line in bold
int timeComp = sch.values[0] - dateComp; // has the hr:min:sec component

int timeComp = timeinseconds- dateComp; // has the hr:min:sec component
18 years ago

This is how I achieved it. is there a better way

long timestampInMillis = 1000L * timeinseconds // has time in seconds from
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
GregorianCalendar grecal = new GregorianCalendar(cal.YEAR, cal.MONTH, cal.DAY_OF_MONTH);
Date dt = grecal.getTime();
int dateComp =(int) dt.getTime()/1000; // has the date component
int timeComp = sch.values[0] - dateComp; // has the hr:min:sec component

18 years ago

Using Calender. should I add the individual component.

18 years ago