Chandra Sagi

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since May 05, 2005
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Recent posts by Chandra Sagi

Hi all,

Can anyone recommend me any Open Source Configuration Management tool which works in conjunction with CVS (since we already use it as our version control).

How could I map an url with '?' symbol in it.

Hi Ranchers,

I have a URL with a '?' symbol in it, which I wanted to map to different url using sendRedirect in a servlet. When I give the url with '?' symbol in url-pattern tag of a servlet-mapping it doesn't take it. Does the symbol has a different meaning like as in regex? Please let me know how to solve this problem.

Thanks in Advance,

Hi all,

Could someone post the errata link for HFEJB book, if there is one? Thanks in advance.


The example that Scott has given is the standard shopping cart example ...right. In that the 4 steps mentioned will not be separate method calls from the client. They all would be 4 steps within a method call from the client. Basically the client has selected items to be ordered. He gives credit card information. Both items and the credit card information will get passed to the application for processing with a single call.

The 4 steps are different method calls in different bean's as per the example. In general I don't think that items and credit card information will be passed in a single call. In any shopping website you would select your items first click checkout and then only you would be directed to give credit card information.

The 4 steps will get executed under one transaction. Failure of any one of them would result in abotring the entire process.

This is reasonable.

I could understand the need for stateful session bean if the 4 steps were to be called separately as 4 methods from the client. In which case the client will have to remember and send data to the application. Instead of that storing the information in session bean would be more useful.

You got it!


Originally posted by Ugender Rekulampally:
Lynette Dawson,

No, We can use LIKE expression.

And the example you have given is correct. you can look page 419 of HFEJB for some examples.

Sorry man,

The example doesn't specify that it accepts input parameters. Someone needs to clarify that.


Originally posted by veena madhukar:
Can you please explain to me why we needed to create a stateful bean for createorder. We could have held all the orders in the httpsession and passed to stateless session bean. Now with stateful session bean we are storing it in the bean everytime the user selects an item to make order.

These are my thoughts on your question.

When you said to hold all the orders in a httpsession, we need to create a httpsession add objects to it, each time a new order is created and stateless bean should read from httpsession again. Instead using a stateful session bean the bean (the container) takes care of remembering the orders and makes it easy to work on them. Httpsession is obtained only when you have a web interface. Suppose you are using pure Java client how would you maintain the session? httpsession and sessionContext are different. Its easy to remember client information across method calls using sessionContext as in Stateful Session beans.

Hope this might be some help. That was a real cool example by Scott.

The URL/Service doesn't work. Thats the reason you are getting the exception

18 years ago

This link should give you a head start to develop and deploy a webservice in apache-tomcat server using Axis.

18 years ago

I have an enterprise webservice application using axis running fine with OC4J 9.0.4. I tried to deploy it in OC4J 10.1.3 and it gives ConfigurationException inside axis. I tried both axis 1.3 and 1.4 and still has the same issue. Axis is catching the exception and throwing it out as a runtime exception: Invalid Provider URL. I tried to google it, but didn't find much help. Did anyone had similar problem like this.

Thanks in Advance,
18 years ago

Do you have your Tomcat server running and able to see default page when you type in http://localhost:8080

When you say you are not getting any response is it a blank page or a Page Not Found error. Please be clear.

Thanks Patrick and Federic. Sure we shall help each other in SCEJB too.

Hi Ranchers,

I cleared the exam on wednesday with 88%. Anything more than 90% would have made me much happier. I would like to thank all my fellow ranchers here who helped me in my preparation for the exam by clearing my doubts.

Regarding the preparation for the exam: I have read HFSJ twice and did the whizlab mock exams. I went over Bridgewater study guide once. I think HFSJ itself is more than enough for the exam to score anything around 85%. I haven't went through any specs as I have a preparation time of only one month. Notes from Frederic helped me. Thanks to him. I made only 57% on the final mock exam in HFSJ and its more than +20% for me. The questions in the exam are not as easy as I expected though. I got many questions on Design patterns almost 7 to 8. I lost many points in EL and Custom tags. People preparing for the exam concentrate on these topics.

Thats all from my side. Hope to see many of you in the SCEJB forum. I will try to hang out here and see whether I can help some people.

Thanks once again