ajse ruku

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since May 06, 2005
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Recent posts by ajse ruku

Hi All,

I have a named query which has "LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT". I have been trying to convert it into native query. I can manage to rewrite the query but i am not sure how should i take care of Lock mode. Please suggest.

Hi All,

I have a named query which has "LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT". I have been trying to convert it into native query. I can manage to rewrite the query but i am not sure how should i take care of Lock mode. Please suggest.

9 years ago
Hi, I am trying to create a one to many relationship and i can see "mapped by" is used in parent side and @JoinColumn on the child side. Event if we use @JoinColum on parent side, it works. So i am not clear at this point when to use mapped by and when @JoinColumn. Please advice.

Hi all,

Being a entry level programmer, i want to know very basic thing. Why does hibernate queries need "Join" keyword. Is it just syntactical thing ?

In plain SQL, we can write something like Select from Employee e , Department d where
e.id == d.eid.

There is no Join keyword used here still its inner join. Is'nt ?


I need to use html:checkbox but it does not have checked attribute. How can i implement this. Please advice.

13 years ago
I have written a custom tag by extending org.apache.struts.taglib.html.CheckboxTag. I can disable the check box by calling setDisabled(true) method. But i am not able to find any method so that i can make the check box selected.Please suggest.

13 years ago
Thanks Tim, that was useful. So Appserver can create a webservice by their own implimentation of JAX-WS OR use Axis . Is this correct ?
13 years ago
So let me rephrase my question. I know Axis is a soap engine. Now JAX-WS should also be doing the same thing. But how its different from Axis and is there any benifits if using JAX-WS ?

13 years ago
Hi All,

I got this requirement to migrate my application from Axis to JAX-WS(IBM). I am not sure what does it mean. My application is basically a client application which invokes services deployed somewhere else. I have verified the stub classes and they don't have any axis dependency. So does it mean i dont have to make any chage in my application. Please suggest.

13 years ago

I have a ejb project and i have modified return type of one of the method of ejb. My local and remote interface were generated by xdoclet , and its mentioned that "Generated by XDoclet - Do not edit!" . So i want to know how can i generate local and remote interfaces again and what all changes required. Initially i was not the part of the project development so i an not aware of these things.I have just joined this project and no one is there to guide.Please help.

Hi All,

I understand that checkstyle is required for conventions and FindBug is for finding programetic errors. Can we say that PMD does both ?

There will be objects in the map.
13 years ago
Hi ,
I have following code.
String test=(String)map.get("x");

Some one suggested me to use
String test=String.valueOf(map.get("x"))

Do we have any advantage of doing this?

13 years ago
Please let me know if its possible to pass xls or csv file to a stored procedure. Stored procedure will then read the records and insert into a table. I want to do this because file is too large and processing records in java takes very long time.
Can you suggest any tool which can help?
14 years ago