Jolie Lee

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since May 08, 2005
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Recent posts by Jolie Lee

I've figured it out, it is the valuechangelistener that caused this thing happened!
16 years ago
you can also try out the a4j datascroller..
17 years ago
yes, commandButton can use rendered but you still need to trigger the button action so that it can calls your backing bean method. rendered can't triggered the action.
18 years ago
you can try body on~load calls a javascript method, then in the javascript method calls a commandbutton which is hidden. that commandbutton can then call a method in your backing bean.

18 years ago
I'm currently using hibernate for my inventory system. I'm thinking of using quartz for my scheduling - every month end copy from the stock table A to table B and updating stock table A.

But i'm not sure how to start.. i've downloaded the quartz jar... so how would i do in such a way when i start my system, i start the schedule as well?
Hi, can i swap rows in dataTable?

for eg this is my datatable:
CheckBox Level User
1 Fanny
2 John
3 Cindy
4 Ken

when i checked on level 1 & 3, it'll automatically swap and become:
CheckBox Level User
1 Cindy
2 John
3 Fanny
4 Ken

is there anyway i can do this? or anybody has any better suggestions to do swapping?
18 years ago
Hi, i have a password field that used inputSecret, eerything works fine, but when the page reloads (due to valuechangelistener, popups and etc), the password fields are gone, user will need to retype again, is there anyway i can have the password without letting them to retype?

pls advise. thks.

18 years ago
I'm using FOP to generate pdf for my web application. Everything works fine except one thing, which is formatting text from a textarea.

for eg, in textarea, if user enter somethig like this:

when generating pdf, i wanna sure exactly the same thing. I have no problem with doing <br> in pdf but i have problem with the indentation. what i can display is soemthing like this:

anyone can advise me how to indent the textarea properly? Thks.
[ May 08, 2006: Message edited by: Jolie Lee ]
my form need to click twice on the commandButton only able to save. when i click the first time, no error, the page refresh and remains.. when i clicked on the 2nd time, it'll only save into the db.

i'm not sure wat's wrong. in my form, i have a selectOneMenu, onchange with valueChangeListener, and my commandButton used actionListener to link to the backing bean.

will it be the valueChangeListener caused this?

kindly advise. thks.
19 years ago
Hi, i've a dataTable, and commandLink is one of the column. when i clicked on the link, i'm actually calling a method in the backing bean. and when i clicked the commandLink, a field, remark is required.

now my problem is, when i trying to retrieve remark in my backing bean, i kept getting NULL value. i won't have this problem is i used commandButton.

pls help..

here my commandLink:

and the code in my backing bean:

of cos, i do have the get and set method for my remark field.

is there anything wrong with my code? kindly advise. thks
19 years ago
hi, thks for all the replies.

currently i've minimise the problem with doing session.clear, evict and session.close after i do commit.

y do i say minimise is because the date will still gone after 20++ records being inserted/updated. it's better if compared to last time, every record is affected.

anyway, i'll look at the hibernate versioning for more information.

everything is stored in the database. when i update i update the db. i know the date is there because after i do update i go check the db and the date is there. but when i update another record, and i check the db, my previous updated record, the date becomes NULL.
hmm, wat i did is when i first update the record, i use session.update() and then commit. i check the db and the date is there. but when i update other row, my date from my previous row is gone, but the date exists for my newly added row.

sometimes it's even worst, i update one row and 2-3 other rows will be affected. (date becomes null in db)

i even tried session.flush() to get rid of the cache after i save / update but it doesn't really helps..

i tried session.isDirty() as well and the outcome is still the same.

how should i go about this? pls advise. thks
hmm, i'm actually not very sure wat caused the problem.

okie, i have a form, where user can choose to save or save&submit. If they choose save, they can search for it and then modify&submit later. once the submitted the form, a date will be inserted into the db.

in my backing bean, i have 3 to save my data into my master table, and then to another 2 tables. for the 2 other tables, i'm inserting more than one record, for master record, only inserting one record.

after that, i commit.

ok, now the problem is, for eg. when i do a search , it'll return all the rows that i've created, lets say 3 rows (row1. row2,row3).

let's say each row has data like this:
row 1: (id=1, name=row1, date=null)
row 2: (id=2, name=row2, date=null)
row 3: (id=3, name=row3, date=null)

when i clicked submit, my date only will be inserted. so let's say i choose row 2 and clicked submit, so i can see that now my data :

row 1: (id=1, name=row1, date=null)
row 2: (id=2, name=row2, date=10/14/2005)
row 3: (id=3, name=row3, date=null)

then after that, i choose row 1 to submit, but my data becomes:

row 1: (id=1, name=row1, date=10/14/2005)
row 2: (id=2, name=row2, date=null)
row 3: (id=3, name=row3, date=null)

i'm editing row 1, not touching row 2, but somehow it will update my row 2 and set it into null values. i checked the log file that found that hibernate actually updating my row 2 but in my code, there's NO PLACE that i'm updating row 2.

it's really very difficult to explain, and i hope u understand what i'm trying to say.

i read some articles and from those articles it seems like it's a caching issue, but they did not provide any solutions to this...

kindly advise.
Hi, i got this problem when i'm doing update/insert.

lets say i have 4 records, 1, 2, 3, 4, i click on 2 and change something in it, then i update, so 2 is being updated.

then i click on 4 to update, when it's updated, my 2 shows back the original values b4 it's being updated.

why is this happening? is it becos of the cache? can someone pl s advise me wat should i do about it?