Ramesh Choudhary

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Recent posts by Ramesh Choudhary

Many of my friends(especially at onshore) were concerned with the rise of rupee. This is a direct consequence of Strengthening Indian Economy. This is something invetiable and would be benificial to the country as a whole. How long do we need to maintain our 'status' in the Western world as 'Attractive economical offshoring destination'?. If that involves us the necessity to change professions at an uncomfortable time, so be it.
[ July 28, 2007: Message edited by: Ramesh Choudhary ]
17 years ago

2) Get over it

That's impossible, David. Fawning attitude for garnering benefits has been here for thousands of years and will continue as far as we have these hierarchial insitutions. But grabbing credit for other's work is absolutely unethical. It looks as if the above lady is bent upon it. Atleast I would find it hard to get over it.
17 years ago
It's the same in every other industrial setup in every other country. Business is essentially talk, convince and grab. Ask for a project change..or organize a meeting with every other team member and try some sort of collective protest. Refuse co-operating with her, keep her in dark regarding the project. Here you have two preys 1) the 'attractive' girl 2)your 'PM', when there is such situation project goes for a toss and you PM would be smashed by his higher up's.
17 years ago

where can i find one !!

Go to any of the big three outsourcing firms. You would find legions of women banging the key board sitting before Eclipse IDE. In my firm there are too many.

[ October 19, 2006: Message edited by: Ramesh Choudhary ]
[ October 19, 2006: Message edited by: Ramesh Choudhary ]
18 years ago

Most academic research is done to improve society

True. But one needs to look at future. Industry dominated academia concentrates on research that is too practical and readily marketable.
If the day comes as you envisage, there may not be any quality talent in true fundamental research. They are either snatched by the industry or have lost the ability to think deep.

Industry should invest in employee by teaching him/her necessary soft skills. 'People from Industry' expect fresh engineers to be readily deployable '.war' file with all the .properties files tuned to their needs. Believe me, this tuning has to be done in the industry itself. Not in the academy.One should not expect to rake profits on enginners from day one.

If some one enters my university and starts emphasizing on soft skills i would rather avoid her lectures. Soft-Skills vary from culture to culture and are too difficult to be packaged into a standard course. I would prefer acquiring them by 'hands-on' experience rather than a compact course curriculum.
18 years ago

If you have adequate representation from the industry in commitees deciding on curriculum

I strongly object to presence of 'people from industry' in academia. If the above suggestion is taken up as an ideology, we can expect a new species of engineers who are no more than glorified mechanics and carpenters with a ton of soft skills(and with zero theoroetical concept), . Majority of industrial profiteers are inherently myopic and they better be limited to board rooms.

Just imagine a generation of engineers with great artistry of programming languages and zero knowledge of Theoroetical Computer Science. May be perfectly acceptable to few software firms, but disastrous in along run.
18 years ago

How to keep it positive always?

Aim for a target. If you were not able to hit the target(most of the cases you will not), call the place which you hit as target.
18 years ago
welcome to javaranch. You need to change your screen name in order to conform with Javaranch naming policy.

Coming to topic, each city has its own pros and cons. If one's content with reasonable pay, Hyderabad is the best. If you are oriented towards money then you need to be in Bangalore. If you would like to be in a place with a northie flavour, Pune would be a good option.

Chennai and Kolkata have a limited appeal. Other than Tamils and Bengalis respectively , no one seems to prefer those places.
18 years ago
There isn't a job here that can make use of Knowledge that you acquire in Master's degree. In fact you would be frustrated like hell, if you are not lucky enough to be employed in the area of your higher qualification. That's my take on it.

Youre degree will not be valued if it does not have the buzzword("IIT","IISc","NIT"). Better pursue education abroad.
18 years ago
Any way most of the bloggers(http://indiauncut.blogspot.com is a notorious example) are a bunch of Publicity mongerers, wasting valuable server space and bandwidth for topics that are flimsy and dumb, even by TOI standards. Blocking them would not be of a major consequence.
18 years ago
A trip to ireland. Stay in a medevial Palace for a month. To learn playing bagpipes. To enjoy the beauty of irish and scottish countryside.
18 years ago
Italians are known for their repulsive style of football. Their theatrical performances are unparalelled. For most of the match, they played like first time world cup qualifiers, score a goal and stuff all the 11 players in the box.

Anyway, unlike cricket, football , is a game of pure chance and a non-performing teams can get away by compulsive blocking, acting and penalties. That sums up the final match.

A final between two attacking teams such as Brazil and Argentina would have been more interesting.
18 years ago

his first language is probably French, not Hindi.

I beg to differ. Hindi is not the mother tongue of all the Indians. Majority of Native South Indians are comfortable speaking in English than Hindi. Above opinion is a misnomer, courtesy Bollywood, which calls itself the only representative of 'Indian Cinema' and paints a picture that hindi is as much used in India, as French in France or German in Germany.
[ July 09, 2006: Message edited by: Ramesh Choudhary ]
18 years ago
Go for totalchoicehosting.com. Truly great service. But being US-based, you have to pay in dollars.
18 years ago