Most academic research is done to improve society
True. But one needs to look at future. Industry dominated academia concentrates on research that is too practical and readily marketable.
If the day comes as you envisage, there may not be any quality talent in true fundamental research. They are either snatched by the industry or have lost the ability to think deep.
Industry should invest in employee by teaching him/her necessary soft skills. 'People from Industry' expect fresh engineers to be readily deployable '.war' file with all the .properties files tuned to their needs. Believe me, this tuning has to be done in the industry itself. Not in the academy.
One should not expect to rake profits on enginners from day one. If some one enters my university and starts emphasizing on soft skills i would rather avoid her lectures. Soft-Skills vary from culture to culture and are too difficult to be packaged into a standard course. I would prefer acquiring them by 'hands-on' experience rather than a compact course curriculum.