Hi All,
Today I received the below mail from Oracle:
Dear Ayyanar,
Due to high volumes and technical resource constraints, the delay in getting assignments graded has been extended. We sincerely apologize for this delay.
We understand that for some candidates, the delay has been excessive. Please know that we are working diligently to get these assignments graded and get your results back to you as quickly as possible. We realize that there is concern about the upcoming training requirement for the Java Enterprise Architect and Java Developer certifications and how it will affect candidates who have already submitted assignments but have not yet received their scores. Will these candidates be required to complete training? The answer is no in most cases. Please review the scenarios below to find out if you will be required to complete training. If you have any additional questions, please contact
[email protected].
If you are notified of a passing score on your assignment and essay after September 30, 2011, you will receive your certification without being required to complete training if the conditions below have been met:
• submitted your assignment and completed your essay by September 30, 2011
• passed the Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect Certified Master Exam by September 30, 2011 (for OCMJEA candidates only)
**Candidates who do not submit all requirements on or before September 30, 2011 will be required to complete training in order to become certified.
If you are notified of a failing score on your assignment and essay after September 30, 2011, you will have the opportunity to receive your certification without being required to complete training if the conditions below have been met:
• submitted your assignment and completed your essay by August 27, 2011
• passed the Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect Certified Master Exam by September 30, 2011 (for OCMJEA candidates only)
• resubmit the assignment within 30 days of receiving your failing score
• pass the 2nd attempt
**Candidates who did not submit both assignment and essay by August 27, 2011 will not be considered for this exception. This policy was outlined in the announcement posted on the Oracle Certification website.”
Oracle Certification Program