SG Krip

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since May 14, 2005
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Recent posts by SG Krip

Originally posted by morbidkk:
still waiting for reply

If you are looking out only for work and absolutely nothing else then I suppose there are quite a few of firms in Mumbai...though not very large..
Zycus Infotech is one of them.
18 years ago

Was just fnding out the Product companies in Pune in Java/J2EE.
Could some post the ones which have some really good work?

Any replies appreciate.
19 years ago

Originally posted by Lavjeet Khanuja:
Hi Vineet,

Why not try Kanbay/Cognizant ?

Kanbay has got a good package and has a good name .
If u r interested in Product development company u can fwd me ur resume .

19 years ago