Bhalotia Kunal

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since May 16, 2005
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I am basically a teseter. But i am very much interested towards Development side.
Although i prepared well i missed some question. 54 question out of 61 were correct. There were some questions on Object lock which seemed very tuff to me. Rest of them were quite easy and interesting.

Thanks friends,
Without your help this could have been a impossible thing t achieve..
Thanks Berts for writing such a superb book which covers all the aspects of exam.

It's not just compliments.. This book(K & B) is really superb...

[ May 24, 2005: Message edited by: Bhalotia Kunal ]
[ May 24, 2005: Message edited by: Bhalotia Kunal ]
19 years ago
Hi Barry,

The Answer is...
Compile-time error at 2.
Compile-time error at 4.


can you please explain me which line makes a compile time error.

what is the intern keyword mean here.
Question 9

A) Compilation error, toString() is not avialable for Byte.
B) Prints "True".
C) Prints "False".

Answer given is - False...

Can any body explain Please...

I think the Output should be "raja". But Raja says that Output is Null. Can anybody explain if it is null.. what is the reason behind that...

[ May 16, 2005: Message edited by: Bhalotia Kunal ]
unsigned is a C++ keyword..

It is not in java..
Remember ---

c++ is not JAVA..
Sorry Barry....

I will def format the Code in my next Post...


Hi All,

Can we have a For loop Like this....

Where in Initialization statement we have true instead of Initialization statement.....

[ May 16, 2005: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]